Tag: NH-01

This NH Democrat Wants Obama To Go To New Hampshire To Explain ObamaCare
With Cuts To Medicare Advantage Coming, What Will Tim Bishop Say To Seniors?
Carol Shea-Porter should resign
New Budget Outlook Says ObamaCare Is Hurting Workers
#SOTU Factcheck: The President’s ObamaCare Rhetoric Doesn’t Match Reality
NRCC Releases Web Video Highlighting ObamaCare’s Devastating Effects: Will Ann Kirkpatrick Continue to Stand Behind the Law?
NRCC Radio Ad: That’s Not What New Hampshire Was Promised
Does Nick Rahall Still Have His ObamaCare Flair?
New NRCC Facebook Ads: More ObamaCare Deception From Ann Kirkpatrick
Scott Peters Can Run, But He Can’t Hide Support For ObamaCare
If You Don’t Like Your Democratic Representative, You Don’t Have To Keep Them
Rahall Plagued By ObamaCare Support
Ann Kirkpatrick = ObamaCare
Who Do These House Democrats Side With: Bill Clinton or Barack Obama?
NRCC To Kyrsten Sinema: Now It’s Your Turn To Apologize For ObamaCare
NRCC Launches Attack Microsites Against New Hampshire Congresswomen Annie Kuster and Carol Shea-Porter
Shea-Portercare even worse than Obamacare
White House Knew Millions Would Lose Coverage Under ObamaCare: When Did These House Democrats Know?
Fix the Glitch: Fire Nick Rahall
Rick Nolan Puts Air Travel Safety At Risk
New NRCC Web Video: Stop the Games, Ann Kirkpatrick
What Are House Democrats Afraid Of?
These House Democrats Voted Against Funding for Head Start Programs
These House Democrats Voted Against Food Safety Funding
Bishop Votes Against Food Safety Funding
Why Is Jim Matheson Risking Default?
These House Democrats Would Rather Pay Federal Workers Than Fund Cancer Screenings
These House Democrats Voted Against Funding For Women And Children Living in Poverty
NRCC Radio Ad Highlights Ann Kirkpatrick’s Vote To Protect Her ObamaCare Subsidy
These House Democrats Vote Against Funding For Cancer Patients
Rahall Puts Obama’s Government Shutdown Ahead Of Veterans, Memorials
Will Ron Barber Join Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid At Ceremony Marking Launch Of ObamaCare?
New NRCC Paid Web Ad: Shea-Porter Votes To Keep IRS In Charge Of Enforcing ObamaCare
6 ObamaCare Failures This Week – July 23rd to July 29th
Polls Confirm: ObamaCare Is a Ticking Time Bomb For House Democrats
School’s Out for The Summer, But Students Are Out-of-Luck Thanks To Pete Gallego
7 Democrats That Love Obama’s War on Energy
NRCC Paid Web Ad: Does Collin Peterson Agree Energy Costs Should ‘Necessarily Skyrocket’?
Will Kyrsten Sinema Support Higher Energy Costs?
NRCC Hits Democrats with Innovative New Google Search Ads
Will House Democrats Condemn Their Colleague’s Despicable Comments?
Broken Promise: Despite ObamaCare Sales Pitch Memo, 30 Million Will Be Left Uninsured
Who Will John Barrow Pick As His ObamaCare Coordinator?
Carol and Annie’s Snake Oil Store
Rick Nolan’s Keystone Disappointment
House Democrats Need To Give Back Tainted IRS Cash
NRCC Calls On Dems To Return Tainted IRS Cash
NRCC To House Democrats: Condemn IRS’s Outrageous Abuse Of Power
Shea-Porter’s Paranoia: “Somebody’s watching me”
Carol, You Cannot Be Serious?!
Why Did John Barrow Vote Against Families?