Tag: obama

Are Dems “Proud” of the Failed House Dem-Obama Record on Jobs?
This is What Democrats Call Job Creation?!
NLRB Pushing Big Labor Bosses’ Agenda to Destroy J-O-B-S
Dems Want “Balanced Approach” but Not a Balanced Budget
Changing Their Tune? White House Says They Don’t Create Jobs
Americans Aren’t Buying the Democrats’ Economy Story
As Debt Surpasses GDP, Pelosi Says No More Spending Cuts
Democrats Side With EPA’s Anti-Jobs Agenda
Small Businesses Bearing the Burden of the Government Takeover of Healthcare
Obama’s Economic Policies Are Driving Even Liberals Away
A Time for Democrats’ Choosing: Now It’s in Reid & Obama’s Court
How Low Democrats Can Go
Left Wing Says Raise Taxes, Washington Dems Ask “How High?”
On the Economy, Democrats are “Absolutely” Out of Touch
Dems “Don’t Quit” Caring About Elections More Than Debt
The President of No
The Not-So Affordable Care Act
Dems Cross Their Fingers: “Maybe It’s Not the Economy”… Stupid.
The Obama Downgrade That Already Happened
Obama Tries to Run Over Auto Industry
EPA’s Regulatory Dream is Job Creators’ Nightmare
Everyone Except House Dems Thinks We Need Deficit Reduction, Even China
Dems Willing to Risk Economy for a New Credit Card
Obama Demands Tax Hikes to Pay for the Failed Stimulus
“All the Recovery We Will Get”?
Dems Dig-In by Moving Debt Limit Goalposts
IPAB Will Make Healthcare Access Worse
Sebelius’ IPAB Defense Doesn’t Add Up
Top White House Official Says Medicare is Five Years Away from Bankruptcy
IPAB Still Has a Friend in Democrats
Dems Dig-In on Tax Hike Demands
Obama’s EPA Writes Stimulus Check to China
Welcome to The Summer Of… Excuses?
No Jobs, No Problem?
Obama OMB Director: Healthcare Takeover Will Cause Dropped Coverage, “Unsustainable” Costs
Obama OMB Director: Healthcare Takeover Will Cause Dropped Coverage, “Unsustainable” Costs
Treasury Loses Track of Debt Owed to China, While Democrats Assign Blame Over Spending Spree
Hold Pres. Obama Accountable at Twitter Townhall!
Obama Continues Debt Ceiling Blame Game
As Jobs Outlook “Remains Ugly,” Democrats Play Pretend
For Medicare’s Birthday, Democrats Advance Its Demise
Obama Gives 1,000 Jobs the Silent Treatment
The Democrat Bad Idea Factory: Still Failing to Produce Jobs
Dems Demand A New Credit Card, And They Want You To Pay For It
Winning the Unpopularity Contest: Dems’ Medicare-Cutting IPAB
Cap and Trade Reaches the Terrible Twos
With Jobs Recovery “Still Years Away,” Dems Seek Second “Stimulus”
Medicaid Crisis Shows What’s in Store for Seniors on Medicare
Was This The Dems’ Plan All Along?
Dem Plan For Jobs: Borrow Even More from China