Tag: socialist agenda

ETHICS COMPLAINT: Slotkin solicited campaign contributions from office
WSJ: Dems think they can win despite Biden
Inflation breaks post-pandemic record
Voters reject Democrats’ crime policies
Does Mrvan regret voting for BBB?
Who is to blame for MI gas prices?
ICYMI: NRCC Chairman Emmer on Fox discussing midterms
MI gas prices approach $5
Pelosi bankrolling Kildee
Record MN gas prices
Poll: MI voters really don’t like Joe Biden
Poll: Inflation, gas prices are top concern in MN-02
Record gas prices… again
Mrvan’s inflation crisis is here to stay
Slotkin and Kildee’s inflation crisis is here to stay
Punchbowl: Dems are screwed
New NRCC Ad Slams Biden & House Dems for Baby Formula Failure
5.20.22 Press Clips – Sean Patrick Maloney
Biden cancels major oil & gas lease sale
China, North Korea, and Washington Democrats
Slotkin Refuses To Say What Age Is Appropriate for Gender Reassignment Surgery
NPR, ABC polls: Republicans lead on every issue that matters
Biden’s coming to town for Mrvan?
VIDEO: Marlinga has no idea what Title 42 is
ICYMI: NRCC Chairman Emmer Slams Biden & Dems for Ending Title 42
Has Axne rethought Title 42?
Nat Journal: Dems write off Iowa
Axne wants the border crisis to get even worse
PHOTO: Axne does her best Stacey Abrams impression
Sykes is out of touch with Dem voters
Will Slotkin & Kildee call out Biden’s ridiculous energy policy?
Playbook: Even Dems don’t like Dems
NPR: Food prices are going up at levels Americans haven’t seen in decades
Craig refuses to define “woman”
NYT: Pelosi plans to spend millions to save Craig
NYT: Pelosi plans to spend millions to save Kildee & Slotkin
NBC poll shows growing enthusiasm gap
DCCC Chair: Vulnerable D’s should embrace “unpopular” Biden
Biden lackey Ettinger enters MN-01
Pelosi is all in for Mathis & Bohannan
Punchbowl: No SOTU Biden Bounce
Time Magazine calls out Axne’s shifting stance on inflation
CBS POLL: Biden tanking ahead of SOTU
Star Trib: Energy Prices Surge
Michigan gas prices hit 2022 high
Did Axne agree to defund the police for campaign cash?
Fox News Poll: The State of the Union is bad
Will Dems rethink Keystone XL?
Slotkin already lying about breaking with Pelosi
DCCC Chair mocked for bragging about ecstasy use on Morning Joe