Tag: socialist agenda

NBC: Fire Klain?
Craig’s office pushing “defund”
is it Friday yet?
IA farmers hurt by Axne’s inflation crisis
NRCC Drops Super Bowl Inflation Ad
Did Slotkin fire someone?
Michigan gas price jump 15 cents
DCCC: Dems excited to campaign with Biden
Dems abandon defund?
Slotkin is tired of partisan bills (but will still vote for them)
NRCC hits Axne PAC backtrack
#MaloneyMeltdown 2.0
Axios: Axne stiffs Biden… but not really
Axios: Slotkin stiffs Biden… but not really
DCCC: Kildee is vulnerable
Finkenauer blasts Axne again
Biden will sink Slotkin and Kildee
Mathis hires ‘Defund the Police’ activists to help run campaign
Politico/Morning Consult poll: More bad news for House Dems
U.S. Retail Sales Slide Sharply as Inflation Weighs on Consumers
Nat Journal: Dems shy away from BBB
Inflation worsens for Minnesotans
inflation worsens Iowans
Inflation causing unemployment, thanks to Elissa Slotkin
Inflation causing unemployment, thanks to Angie Craig
Daily Beast: Dem candidates avoid BBB
A great opportunity
Kildee backs court packing
Poll: Biden dragging down Elissa Slotkin
Will Dems speak out against school closures?
Who is angrier right now?
CBO: BBB adds $3 trillion to debt
CNBC: Republicans hold “historic” advantage on generic ballot
“Worse than a war zone”
Axios: Vulnerable Dems question focus on Trump
Another anemic jobs report
Are MI Dems willing to talk about inflation?
Are MN Dems willing to talk about inflation?
Axne does a 180 on inflation
a conversation we’re happy to have
The New War on Christmas
Biden coming to Minnesota
WaPo: Dem policies fail to resonate with voters
CBS Poll: 2/3 disapprove of Biden on inflation
Slotkin’s clownish statement on BBB
Politico: Poll: IN-01 ballot tied
Quinnipiac: Republicans lead by 8 on generic ballot
Is Slotkin hiding from Biden
DCCC used Russian plane in ad
Will Axne vote for BBB?
Will IL Dems vote for BBB?