Tag: socialist democrats

NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer Statement on the IA-01 Primary Election
NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer Statement on the IA-02 Primary Election
Voters reject Democrats’ crime policies
Race raters hit Axne with the double whammy
NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer Statement on the IA-03 Primary Election
Does Mrvan regret voting for BBB?
Who is to blame for MI gas prices?
ICYMI: NRCC Chairman Emmer on Fox discussing midterms
gas prices double under Biden
IN gas prices spike
MI gas prices approach $5
Pelosi bankrolling Kildee
Record MN gas prices
Poll: MI voters really don’t like Joe Biden
Poll: Inflation, gas prices are top concern in MN-02
Poll: Inflation, gas prices are top concern in IA-03
Record gas prices… again
Biden barrels forward on student loan forgiveness
Mrvan’s inflation crisis is here to stay
Slotkin and Kildee’s inflation crisis is here to stay
Phillips and Craig’s inflation crisis is here to stay
Axne’s inflation crisis is here to stay
Punchbowl: Dems are screwed
New NRCC Ad Slams Biden & House Dems for Baby Formula Failure
Biden embraces high gas prices
AP Poll: Biden approval 39%
5.20.22 Press Clips – Sean Patrick Maloney
Record IA gas prices
Quinnipiac Poll: Americans expecting recession
bad economic news on all fronts
Iowa Torch: How can we trust Liz Mathis?
Mathis tries and fails to explain biz lie
Record gas prices… again
Mathis lied about owning business
ROLL CALL: Axne likely to lose
Biden cancels major oil & gas lease sale
Biden Baby Formula Crisis
Inflation higher than expected again
WSJ: Democrats’ inflation ruining vacations
Where’s Mrvan’s signature?
Where’s Craig’s signature?
Biden to blame GOP for inflation?
Michigan Gas prices hit ALL-TIME HIGH
Inflation crisis keeps getting worse
China, North Korea, and Washington Democrats
Slotkin Refuses To Say What Age Is Appropriate for Gender Reassignment Surgery
Politico: Dems admit SCOTUS won’t save them
Not your grandfather’s GOP
NPR, ABC polls: Republicans lead on every issue that matters
Mrvan brags about support for inflation-causing stimulus