Tag: socialist democrats

NBC poll shows growing enthusiasm gap
Democrats put forward another crooked candidate in MI-10
Emerson poll: Voters blame Biden for gas prices
Axne used taxpayer $ to bankroll defense following STOCK Act violations
RCP Average: Biden as unpopular as ever
Politico: Dems acting like they’ve already lost
FOX Business: Slotkin & Kildee now support lowering gas prices after backing policies to raise them
FOX Business: Vulnerable House Democrats now support lowering gas prices after backing policies to raise them
DCCC Chair: Vulnerable D’s should embrace “unpopular” Biden
one year later…
Biden lackey Ettinger enters MN-01
Pelosi is all in for Mathis & Bohannan
INFLATION: Another 40-Year High
Does Axne still think gas prices don’t matter?
Punchbowl: No SOTU Biden Bounce
Dems’ Dismal Economy
Gas prices now most expensive in US history
‘Defund’ Advocate Spent $50K Of Taxpayer Money On Private Security
GAS PRICES: Slotkin & Kildee putting donors first
GAS PRICES: Craig putting donors first
Crooked Carl makes it official
Reuters: Oil prices hit multi-year highs as supply tightens
Time Magazine calls out Axne’s shifting stance on inflation
Radical Liberal Henry Yanez enters MI-10
CBS POLL: Biden tanking ahead of SOTU
Michigan gas prices hit 2022 high
WSJ: Oil, Natural-Gas Prices Vault
Mathis opposes bipartisan tax cut
Did Craig agree to defund the police for campaign cash?
Did Axne agree to defund the police for campaign cash?
Fox News Poll: The State of the Union is bad
Will Dems rethink Keystone XL?
Slotkin already lying about breaking with Pelosi
Kildee invites Biden to MI
Vulnerable Underwood fundraises with socialist Pramila Jayapal
Gallup: voters still don’t like Biden
Dems eye crooked candidate for MI-10
Leaked DCCC polling spells trouble for Axne
DCCC Chair mocked for bragging about ecstasy use on Morning Joe
NBC: Fire Klain?
Craig’s office pushing “defund”
is it Friday yet?
IA farmers hurt by Axne’s inflation crisis
MN farmers hurt by Craig’s inflation crisis
Slotkin flip-flops on COVID mandates
Axne flip-flops on stock trading ban
NRCC Drops Super Bowl Inflation Ad
Punchbowl: Axne doubles down on stocks
Biden goes easy on MN murderer
Pelosi gives Axne $1 Million reward