Tag: VA-02

Will Spanberger, Luria and Wexton support Pelosi?
Will Wexton, Spanberger and Luria ignore parents’ rights?
Will Wexton, Spanberger and Luria side with unions or parents?
Do Spanberger, Luria and Wexton think Biden is doing a good job?
Luria is missing something…
Inflation worsens for Virginians
inflation worsens for VA-02
Inflation causing unemployment, thanks to Luria and Spanberger
Inflation slams VA-02
ICYMI: Luria calls CRT a racist dog whistle
Luria’s problems grow in 2022
Homicides skyrocket in VA-02
ICYMI: Luria calls CRT a racist dog whistle
ICYMI: Anti-school choice Luria was president of private school
Spanberger and Luria should start packing
a conversation for Spanberger, Luria and Wexton
Luria avoids talking about BBB
Luria admits inflation is bad, will she vote for BBB?
Will Luria and Wexton vote for BBB?
Will Spanberger, Luria and Wexton vote without a CBO score?
Luria already freaking out
Last night’s data is disastrous for Luria and Spanberger
ICYMI: Tracker shoved at Luria event
“I dread coming to the gas station”
Virginia’s cold winter
Biden, Luria and Spanberger want the IRS to spy on Virginians
Do Luria and Spanberger think VA parents are racist?
Do VA Dems support the biggest tax hike in decades?
Abigail Spanberger and Elaine Luria are doomed
Do Spanberger and Luria think Biden failed?
VA-02 Poll: Democrats’ spending will doom Luria’s re-elect
Luria’s rhetoric doesn’t add up
Luria continues to take corporate PAC money after breaking promise
ICYMI: The Cost of the School Shutdowns
Luria and Spanberger support tax money for CRT
Luria and AOC: Team Abolish Prisons
Where do Luria and Spanberger stand on CRT?
VIDEO Luria bans recording at town hall (again)
Luria should take own advice on China
Will Luria allow recording at tonight’s town hall?
Will Luria and Spanberger join AFT’s PR spin?
ICYMI: Luria bans recordings of town hall
Is Luria confused?
Elaine Luria is contradicting herself
Luria must call for Omar’s removal
New Ad: 4th of July is more expensive because of Elaine Luria
Will Luria allow Pelosi to hold the infrastructure bill hostage?
Pelosi’s bankrolling Elaine Luria
Pelosi threatens to blow up infrastructure bill, do Luria and Spanberger agree?
VA murders increase, Dems pro-crime agenda unpopular
More bad headlines for Luria’s favorite budget