Tag: WA-01

Will Target Dems Vow to Stop Tax Hikes on Working Families and Small Businesses?
Will Target Dems Pledge to Stop Tax Hikes on Small Businesses Before Skipping Town?
Will Target Dems Pledge to Stop Tax Hikes on Small Businesses Before Skipping Town?
Do Target Dems Support the Failed Obama Economic Team?
Do Target Dems Support the Failed Obama Economic Team?
Big Taxes for Small Business: Target Dems' Agenda Slams Job Creators
Big Taxes for Small Business: Target Dems' Agenda Slams Job Creators
Target Dems' Spending Addiction has Resulted in Economic Failure
Target Dems' Spending Addiction has Resulted in Economic Failure
Target Dems Rush Back to Washington to Feed Their Spending Addiction
Target Dems Rush Back to Washington to Feed Their Spending Addiction
What Happened To Your “Recovery Summer,” Target Dems?
What Happened To Your “Recovery Summer,” Target Dems?
Will Target Dems Support Obama's Small Business Tax Hike?
Will Target Dems Support Obama's Small Business Tax Hike?
Target Dems' “Recovery Summer” Almost Over, Families Still Asking: Where Are the Jobs?
Target Dems' “Recovery Summer” Almost Over, Families Still Asking: Where Are the Jobs?
3rd District heats up
How Will Target Dems Explain Their Party’s Budget Failure?
Happy Anniversary: Target Dems' National Energy Tax Reaches One-Year Mark
Americans Are Concerned About the Nation’s Budget, Why Aren't Target Dems?
It’s Official: Target Democrats Fail to Pass a Budget
After Another Month Of High Unemployment, is This the “Recovery Summer” Target Dems Were Hoping For?
Two Months and Counting: Target Dems Have Yet to Produce a Budget
Two Months and Counting: Target Dems Have Yet to Produce a Budget
If the Economy is Their “Baby,” Why Won’t Target Dems Create a Budget?
If the Economy is Their “Baby,” Why Won’t Target Dems Create a Budget?
With No Plan to Budget, Fed Chair Calls Target Dems' Spending Spree ‘Unsustainable’
Why Haven't Target Dems Ended Their Runaway Spending Spree with a Responsible, Honest Budget?
Despite False Spike, Target Dems' Jobs Record Still Fails Families
Despite False Spike, Target Dems' Jobs Record Still Fails Families
Target Dems fail to Lead as Democrats Punt on the Budget
Sound the Alarms: Target Dems' Spending Drives Nation’s Debt to $13 Trillion
Still No Budget from Target Democrats
BREAKING: Democrats' Budget Plan Revealed
BREAKING: Democrats' Budget Plan Revealed
Price Tag Increases on Target Dems' Healthcare Takeover
Price Tag Increases on Target Dems' Healthcare Takeover
Target Dems' Unemployment Problem is Not Going Away
Target Dems' Unemployment Problem is Not Going Away
New Poll: Americans at Odds With Target Dems
New Poll: Americans at Odds With Target Dems
Both Sides See Positive Signs in New Reports
Radio Silence: Dem Candidates Run from Democrats’ Healthcare Agenda
Radio Silence: Dem Candidates Run from Democrats’ Healthcare Agenda
Suzan DelBene Would Pave the Way for Tax Hikes
Time for Dem Candidates to Take a Stance: Pelosi Unveils Trillion-Dollar Healthcare Bill
Suzan DelBene is After Your Healthcare