Category: Blog

How much did you pay for gas this morning?
Strawberry Frappe…
VIDEO: New NRCC TV Ad on Betty Sutton
What’s “Not Optimal” is Democrats’ Libya Failure
Week in Review: Desperation
10 days until a GOP House victory!
11 days until a GOP House victory!
12 days until a GOP House victory!
13 days until a GOP House victory!
14 days until a GOP House victory!
15 days until a GOP House victory!
16 days until a GOP House victory!
For Every $7 of Your Taxpayer Dollars, Democrats Spent $11
NOT OPTIMAL: Number of Times in the 2nd Presidential Debate That Obama Said “Thanks”
“Not Fixed”? No Kidding
Obama Blames High Gas Prices on… a Strong Economy?
Four More Years for ObamaCare?
Dems Try to Hide Medicare Cuts Until After the Election
Pelosi’s 4 Million ObamaCare Jobs Are Nowhere to Be Seen
Not Funny: Cutting Seniors’ Medicare to Pay for ObamaCare
21 days until a GOP House victory!
20 days until GOP House victory!
19 days until a GOP House victory!
18 days until a GOP House victory!
17 days until a GOP House victory!
No Laughing Matter
Cranky Old Man
ObamaCare’s Rising Cost Is Hurting Workers
Joe Biden: Crony Capitalism’s Phone-a-Friend
Democrats Cut Seniors’ Medicare to Fund Their Spending Sprees
here we go again
AARP Sacrificed Medicare on the Altar of ObamaCare
Democrats’ “Economy Tax” Punishes the Middle Class
For Dems, “Best Practices” Means Cutting Medicare
Waste Abounds In Democrats’ Failed Stimulus
22 days until a GOP House victory!
23 days until a GOP House victory!
24 days until a GOP House victory!
25 days until a GOP House victory!
26 days until a GOP House victory!
27 days until a GOP House victory!
28 days until a GOP House victory!
NEW AD: Jim Matheson will say anything
Dems’ Plan: Eight Years of Trillion-Dollar Deficits
Another Visit to the Good O’ “Boys’ Club”
On the Debt, Obama Wants to “Move On to Another Topic”
Oops, He Did It Again! Obama Repeatedly Admits He Plans To Export Jobs
Democrats Can’t Defend “Trickle Down Government”
Say It Ain’t So, Bill & Joe: Middle Class Falling Behind in the Dem Economy
29 days until a GOP House victory!