Tag: AZ-01

Supporters Of John Barrow Say ObamaCare Hurting Low-Wage Workers
Will Collin Peterson Support President Obama’s Budget?
Pete Gallego Promised To Protect Medicare, Now He’s Cutting It
Will Ron Barber Campaign With President Obama?
Will Annie Kuster Vote to Stop IRS Targeting?
Even Steny Hoyer Thinks Kyrsten Sinema Can’t Run From ObamaCare
BREAKING: Alex Sink’s New Medicare Advantage Cuts Will Hurt Seniors
Ron Barber Looks The Other Way While New Medicare Part D Regulations Continue To Hurt Seniors
Dems Plans Outlined In Memo To Distance Themselves From ObamaCare Backfire
Ann Kirkpatrick Raids Medicare Advantage to Pay for ObamaCare
10 Democrats Who Will Be Held Accountable For Supporting President Obama’s Failed Stimulus
RETREAT! – House Dems Huddle In Maryland, Party In Full ObamaCare Backpedal
You Won’t Believe How Nancy Pelosi’s Super PAC Is Defending Democrats
With Cuts To Medicare Advantage Coming, What Will Tim Bishop Say To Seniors?
New Budget Outlook Says ObamaCare Is Hurting Workers
#SOTU Factcheck: The President’s ObamaCare Rhetoric Doesn’t Match Reality
Opposition To ObamaCare Just Hit A Record High In This New Poll
New NRCC Ad “Blows the Whistle” on Ann Kirkpatrick’s Continued Support for ObamaCare
New NRCC Television Ad: Ann Kirkpatrick Still Loyal to ObamaCare
8 Stories That You’re Going To Want To Talk About This Weekend
Arizona Republic: Pro-Kirkpatrick Ad Claim is “dubious”
10 Tweets That Perfectly Illustrate Just How Damaging House Democrats’ Newest ObamaCare TV Ad Is
Nancy Pelosi’s Super PAC Is Calling the ObamaCare Website ‘Disastrous’ In This New Arizona Ad
The 2 Democrats In America Facing The Most ObamaCare Ads Might Surprise You
Youth Enrollment in ObamaCare is Pretty Bad, But It’s Even Worse in Arizona
Meet the 6 Democrats Who Are Batting For ObamaCare
The 35 Biggest Democrat Fails Of 2013
NRCC Releases Web Video Highlighting ObamaCare’s Devastating Effects: Will Ann Kirkpatrick Continue to Stand Behind the Law?
What Do House Democrats Think About Obama’s Left Turn?
White House Picks 12 of the the Most Liberal Democrats for their #ObamaCareStrikeTeam
Will Ann Kirkpatrick Join Obama and Double Down on ObamaCare?
Does Nick Rahall Still Have His ObamaCare Flair?
New NRCC Facebook Ads: More ObamaCare Deception From Ann Kirkpatrick
Scott Peters Can Run, But He Can’t Hide Support For ObamaCare
If You Don’t Like Your Democratic Representative, You Don’t Have To Keep Them
Ann Kirkpatrick = ObamaCare
Who Do These House Democrats Side With: Bill Clinton or Barack Obama?
7 Democrats Who Can Run, But Can’t Hide, From Their Support Of ObamaCare
NRCC To Kyrsten Sinema: Now It’s Your Turn To Apologize For ObamaCare
New NRCC Campaign Targets “Red Zone” Democrats with Microsites
White House Knew Millions Would Lose Coverage Under ObamaCare: When Did These House Democrats Know?
Fix the Glitch: Fire Nick Rahall
NRCC Radio Ad: With ObamaCare Rollout Crashing, We Can’t Trust Ann Kirkpatrick to Fix Things
Rick Nolan Puts Air Travel Safety At Risk
Recruiting Boost?
New NRCC Web Video: Stop the Games, Ann Kirkpatrick
What Are House Democrats Afraid Of?
These House Democrats Voted Against Funding for Head Start Programs
These House Democrats Voted Against Food Safety Funding
Ann Kirkpatrick puts federal bureaucrats first; Arizona last
Bishop Votes Against Food Safety Funding