Tag: CA-07

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Gary McDowell Recieves Money from Pelosi and Decieves Michigan Voters
Dave Crooks’ History of Failing Indiana Families
Christy Vilsack Finally Shows Her True Liberal Colors
For Dems, Unemployment Takes A Back Seat to Political Payback for Washington Friends
With 48 Days Left, Will Dems Let Obama Send Keystone Jobs to China?
Despite Criminal Investigation, White House Keeping Solyndra Documents in the Dark
No Love This Holiday Season for Pelosi and Her Democrats
Some Dems Still Keeping the Corzine Money
House Dems’ Deep Commitment to Small Business Job Destruction
Running But Hiding: Democrat Candidate Christie Vilsack Dodges Tough Questions
ICYMI: Lie of the Year 2011: ‘Republicans voted to end Medicare’
What Must Pelosi Be Thinking About Persistent Sky-High State Unemployment?
Democrat Christie Vilsack to Run Against Steve King in Iowa’s 4th District
Pat Kreitlow: Bad for Wisconsin and Worse for Washington
Suzanne Bonamici chalks up a left-of-center record in Oregon Legislature
As Middle Class Suffers, Democrats More Concerned With Looking Busy
Editorial: Lungren picks a good crusade – Hetch Hetchy
Corzine’s Enron Amnesia
The Obama-Pelosi-Corzine Economic Wreckage Has a Human Face
The Dems’ Unrequited Love for Occupiers
Racketeer conviction for in-law of Tierney
Dems Clear the Way for Troubled Waters
“New Democrats” Attempt to Rebrand Themselves, but Their Records Expose Partisan Foot Soldiers
Pelosi’s Own Dems Blocking Her Path to the Speaker’s Chair
ICYMI: POLITICO: Retirements a downer for Democrats
ICYMI: POLITICO: Retirements a downer for Democrats
Where’s the MF Money? Lost in Democrat Hypocrisy
Democrats Continue Shameful Alliance with “Occupiers”
New NRCC Video Highlights Russ Carnahan’s “Unconditional Support” for Obama’s Failed Policies
New NRCC Video Highlights Russ Carnahan’s “Unconditional Support” for Obama’s Failed Policies
Democrats Can Wait to Create 20,000 Energy Jobs
Pelosi’s Party Favors
Barack Obama’s Transparency You Can’t Believe In
Wall Street Hypocrisy Occupies Dems
Once Magnetic, Polarizing Obama Now Stands Alone
Blue Dogs Are Out of Tricks
The Obama Drag Claims Another Blue Dog
The Solar Eclipse of the White House
The Democrats’ Solyndra of Healthcare
As Dems Stump for Stimulus 2.0, Americans Are Seeing Red
Dems Find it Hard to Admit Their Spending Habit
As Recession Fears Grow, Obama Tries to Pin the Tail on the Elephant
Will Blue Dogs Be Lap Dogs for Obama & Pelosi’s Stimulus 2.0?
Blue Dog Blues
Will Blue Dogs Be Lap Dogs for Obama & Pelosi’s Stimulus 2.0?
“Lost” Pelosi Find Home Among Hollywood “Fringe”
Will This Be the Democrat-Created “Lost Decade”?
Dems Are Bending the Broken Promises Curve Up
For Obama, It’s All About His Campaign
Democrats Try to Rename Their Failure
The Obama Drag