Tag: healthcare

She Gets a Raise and Bonus, Coloradans Get a New Doctor and Higher Premiums
Polling Memo: Obama’s Issue Ratings Plunge
Jay Rockefeller, Architect Of Obamacare, Says Law Is “Beyond Comprehension”
Jay Carney Claims Obamacare Lowers Costs, Proved False By Own HHS Secretary
Sebelius Shocked At Obamacare Opposition
Donna Brazile Can’t Figure Out Why Her Insurance Premiums Are Going Up
Value Menu: Food Retailers Cutting Hours, Insurance In Wake Of Obamacare
State of Denial
#SOTU Fact Check: Obamacare Raising Healthcare Costs
Watch Dr. Benjamin Carson Shred ObamaCare in Front of Obama
Barack In Time: 2009 vs. 2013 Obama on Cost Of Obamacare
Polling Memo: Lessons on Health Care
Remember When: One Year Since Obama’s Jobs Council Last Met
Obama’s Second Term Agenda: Clean Up The Mess From His First
A Bad Week For Obamacare
Unemployment Remains Sky High As Democrats Threaten “Fiscal Cliff”
Oops, He Did It Again! Obama Repeatedly Admits He Plans To Export Jobs
#IWANTREPEAL: ObamaCare: No Graduation Gift For College Students
Dems Don’t Care That ObamaCare Burdens Small Biz
Democrats Are Running Out of ObamaCare Excuses
Heavy is the Head that Wears the Dems’ “Crown Jewel
What You Won’t Hear About from Dems Today: Jobs, Energy or ObamaCare
Dems on ObamaCare: Supreme Court? What Supreme Court?
House Dems Celebrate Two Years of ObamaCare Failure
Dems Defy Doctors Who Want Medicare Protected
ObamaCare’s Record of Failure Pits Democrats Against Working Families
Cost is No Object for Dems Defending ObamaCare
ObamaCare’s Rising Price Tag for Working Families
Dems Brace Themselves to Defend ObamaCare After Refusing to Repeal
Democrats’ Unaffordable Care Act is a Disaster for Working Families
Dems Still in Denial About ObamaCare
Dems’ Medicare Gutting Board Keeps Making New Enemies
Price Tag for Dems’ Gov’t Healthcare Takeover Just Won’t Stop Increasing
One Year After Dems Voted to Continue Government Healthcare Takeover, Americans are Suffering the Consequences
Obama Over-Delivered on Failure
ObamaCare Leaves Trail of Indiscriminate Job Destruction
Americans Look Forward to ObamaCare’s Day in Court
Americans Are Paying the Price for the Democrats’ Healthcare Failure
Dems Are Bending the Broken Promises Curve Up
Obama’s Department of Campaign Services
NRCC’s New TV Ad: Storm Cloud – Dave Loebsack
More Democrats Jumping Off IPAB’s Sinking Ship
The Not-So Affordable Care Act
Democrats’ Plan for Medicare: Cut Benefits and Wait for Fiscal Catastrophe
Even More Inconvenient Truths About ObamaCare
New NRCC Ad in North Dakota