Tag: JohnBarrow

Will Dems Turn to Even More Failed Stimulus Spending?
Will Dems Turn to Even More Failed Stimulus Spending?
Dems Run from Weiner Campaign Donations: Why Haven’t House Dems?
Will Democrats Continue to Ask You to Pay for More Spending?
Democrats Run for Cover from Support for More Borrowing
Will Democrats Continue to Ask You to Pay for More Spending?
Even Bill Clinton Disagrees With House Dems’ Plan to Bankrupt Medicare
Do House Dems Agree with Senior Democrat on Forcing Gas Prices Even Higher?
Do House Dems Agree with Senior Democrat on Forcing Gas Prices Even Higher?
Even Bill Clinton Disagrees With House Dems’ Plan to Bankrupt Medicare
Will Dems Demand Another Credit Card After Maxing Out Their First?
Will Dems Demand Another Credit Card After Maxing Out Their First?
Dems’ Stimulus Failed to Create the Promised Jobs, but Gave Billions to Tax Cheats
Dems’ Stimulus Failed to Create the Promised Jobs, but Gave Billions to Tax Cheats
Pelosi Reiterates Dems’ Plan to Slash Medicare Benefits
Pelosi Reiterates Dems’ Plan to Slash Medicare Benefits
Businesses, Entire States Run Away from Dems’ Devastating Healthcare Law
Businesses, Entire States Run Away from Dems’ Devastating Healthcare Law
After Democrats Max Out the Credit Card, House Dems Content to Ask for More
After Democrats Max Out the Credit Card, House Dems Content to Ask for More
Even Pelosi’s Own Constituents Don’t Like Government Healthcare Takeover House Dems Continue to Defend
NRCC Calls to Constituents Highlight McIntyre’s Plan to Cut Medicare
Even Pelosi’s Own Constituents Don’t Like Government Healthcare Takeover House Dems Continue to Defend
As Situation Worsens, Dems’ Plan to Bankrupt Medicare Cuts Larger Benefits
As Situation Worsens, Dems’ Plan to Bankrupt Medicare Cuts Larger Benefits
Will Dems Continue to Spend & Borrow Money We Don’t Have from Countries like China?
Will Dems Continue to Spend & Borrow Money We Don’t Have from Countries like China?
Will Dems Raise Job-Crushing Taxes on Middle-Class Families Just to Protect their Own Spending Addiction?
Will Dems Raise Job-Crushing Taxes on Middle-Class Families Just to Protect their Own Spending Addiction?
Unemployment Remains Unacceptably High as Democrats Cling to Failed Policies
Unemployment Remains Unacceptably High as Democrats Cling to Failed Policies
Will Dems Allow a Blank Check for More Borrowing From China?
Will Dems Allow a Blank Check for More Borrowing From China?
Democrats’ Debt-Driven Policies Continue Down the Road to Fiscal Ruin
Democrats’ Debt-Driven Policies Continue Down the Road to Fiscal Ruin
NRCC Highlights Dems’ Addiction to More Spending & Borrowing With Targeted Calls to Voters
Democrats Agree: The Way Forward is More Job-Destroying Taxes
Democrats Still Don’t Get it: Americans Want the Spending to Stop
Democrats Still Don’t Get it: Americans Want the Spending to Stop
Do Dems Support Job-Destroying Tax Hikes or More Failed Stimulus Spending?
Do Dems Support Job-Destroying Tax Hikes or More Failed Stimulus Spending?
Will House Dems Double Down on the Democrats’ Job-Destroying Tax Increases?
Will House Dems Double Down on the Democrats’ Job-Destroying Tax Increases?
Will House Dems Join the Democrats’ Calls to Raise Taxes?
Will House Dems Join the Democrats’ Calls to Raise Taxes?
Matheson Ignores Deficit Reality, Toes Party Line and Rejects Needed Cuts
Matheson Ignores Deficit Reality, Toes Party Line and Rejects Needed Cuts
Dems Duck More Opportunities to Stop Job-Crushing Healthcare Law
Dems Duck More Opportunities to Stop Job-Crushing Healthcare Law
The Obama-Pelosi Budget: Pelosi Speaks for Matheson
With Upcoming Push to Cut Red Tape, Will Mike Ross Support More Job-Destroying Spending Instead?