Tag: NY-01

With Upcoming Push to Cut Red Tape, Will Mike Ross Support More Job-Destroying Spending Instead?
Unemployment Still Unacceptably High As Peterson and His Party Refuse to Take Job Creation Seriously
Unemployment Still Unacceptably High As Peterson and His Party Refuse to Take Job Creation Seriously
Will Owens Join President’s Call for More Debt, More Spending, and More Uncertainty for Job Creators?
Dems’ Job-Destroying Healthcare Law Now Unconstitutional
Dems’ Job-Destroying Healthcare Law Now Unconstitutional
McNerney Ignores Warning Signs that More Spending Is Hurting Job Creation
McNerney Ignores Warning Signs that More Spending Is Hurting Job Creation
Making It Worse: Thanks to House Dems, Government Takeover of Healthcare is Taking its Toll on Americans
It’s Always Sunny: House Dems & Obama to “Double Down” on Solyndra Fiasco
New Deficit Numbers Confirm ‘Free Fall into Debt’ As Bishop Refuses to Take His Foot off the Spending Gas Pedal
New Deficit Numbers Confirm ‘Free Fall into Debt’ As Bishop Refuses to Take His Foot off the Spending Gas Pedal
Message Not Received: Democrats Vote to Continue Budget-Busting Habits
Message Not Received: Mark Critz Votes to Continue Budget-Busting Habits
Message Not Received: Mark Critz Votes to Continue Budget-Busting Habits
Message Not Received: Democrats Vote to Continue Budget-Busting Habits
Democrats Refuse to Fix Job-Destroying, Budget-Busting Healthcare Takeover
Democrats Refuse to Fix Job-Destroying, Budget-Busting Healthcare Takeover
Target Dems Disregard American People, Vote to Maintain Job-Killing Agenda By Voting for Pelosi for Speaker
Target Dems Disregard American People, Vote to Maintain Job-Killing Agenda By Voting for Pelosi for Speaker
Election Night Update Day Three
Race of the Day: Mike Keown v. Sanford Bishop in GA-02
Bishop and Keown face off in debate
Bishop and Keown face off in debate
Americans Continue to Bankroll Space’s Fannie and Freddie Bailout
State's Unemployment Rate Jeopardizes Target Dems’ Reelection
Americans Continue to Bankroll Space’s Fannie and Freddie Bailout
State's Unemployment Rate Jeopardizes Target Dems’ Reelection
Obama Acknowledges Stimulus Failures – Does Bishop Agree?
Keown raises $377,000 in third quarter
Obama Acknowledges Stimulus Failures – Does Bishop Agree?
Report: More Jobs Lost, What Do Target Dems Have to Say for Themselves?
Former Bright Donors Among Those Caught in Alabama Bribery Probe
Bishop Blames Wife in Scholarship Scandal
Target Dems' Stimulus Vote Could Cost Them Their Reelection
Target Dems' Stimulus Vote Could Cost Them Their Reelection
Pelosi’s Ethics Pledge Fails Reality Check
Pelosi Ethics Pledge Falters
Yet Another Twist in Bishop Scholarship Saga
Pelosi’s Ethics Pledge Fails Reality Check
Irresponsibility Reigns in Washington As Target Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Irresponsibility Reigns in Washington As Target Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Scholarship Questions Remain Unanswered
Small Businesses Face Uncertainty As House Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
More Details Emerge in Bishop Scholarship Scandal
Small Businesses Face Uncertainty As House Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Target Dems Won’t Support an Up-or-Down Vote on Obama Tax Hike
Six Months Later and ObamaCare Continues to Fall Flat
Six Months Later and ObamaCare Continues to Fall Flat
Target Dems Won’t Support an Up-or-Down Vote on Obama Tax Hike