Tag: obama

Energy Prices are High and Dems Are Making it Worse
Americans Still Waiting for the Democrats’ “Recovery Summer”
A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Dem Plan to Bring ObamaCare to Medicare
Failed Democrat Economic Policies Deserve Foreclosure
Another Debbie Doozy
There’s No Doubt “This Is Obama’s Economy”
Facing Weak Economy, Dems “Rinse and Repeat” Their Failed Spending Polices
The Job No One Wants: Defending Obama’s Job-Destroying Economic Policies
The Job No One Wants: Defending Obama’s Job-Destroying Economic Policies
Obama’s New Normal
Democrats Want a Vacation from Energy Record While Families Have to Stay Put
Queen Elizabeth Meets America’s “Undisputed Debt King”
“Mindless.” “Unsustainable.” “Stifling.”
A Regulation a Day… Keeps Jobs Away
Dems’ Golden Rule: Do Unto Others and Get a Waiver So It’s Not Done Unto You
Medicare’s Fiscal Forecast: Storm Clouds Draw Nearer
Obama Holds a Town Hall, But Is He Listening?
Democrats’ Tax Hike Sideshow Running on Empty
Advice to Dems: When You’re In A Debt Hole, Stop Digging
Democrats’ Reptilian Record on American-Made Energy
Democrats Try to Tax Their Way Out of High Gas Prices
“Hope” Won’t Fill the Tank as Gas Prices “Necessarily Skyrocket”
You’re Invited to the Democrat Gas Price Masquerade
Fact-Checking the Democrats’ Gas Price Distraction
Democrats’ Support for Blank Check Builds Steam
Democrats Can Only Blame Themselves For High Gas Prices
Democrats’ Big Government Fairy Tale is Over, But Don’t Tell Obama
Out of Touch and Out of Options, Democrats Deny Debt Crisis
The Obama Forecast: Debt Crisis With A Chance of Inflation
Obama’s 2012 Goal
Obama’s Budget Blame Game Covers Up a Middle Class Tax Hike
Democrats Pave the Way for Middle Class Tax Increases
Losing Credibility: White House Attempt to Pressure S&P Exposes Double Standard
Obama Anti-Energy Policy Leaves Americans Stranded With Rising Gas Prices
Democrats Find Excuse to Spend More and Borrow More from China
Obama’s Plan to Empower Bureaucrats to Gut Medicare Meets Bipartisan Opposition
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year—for Tax-and-Spend Democrats
Polarizer-in-Chief: Democrats Follow Obama’s Lead in a Rhetorical Race to the Bottom
AARP Confirms Obama Medicare Plan Puts “Unelected and Unaccountable” Bureaucrats in Charge, Cuts Benefits
The Job-Destroying Tax Increases Democrats Go to Great Lengths to Disguise
Obama Deficit Dance Proves He Still Has Two Left Feet
Obama’s Deficit Do-Over: If At First You Don’t Succeed In Raising Taxes, Try, Try Again
New Deficit Plan? What New Deficit Plan?
Obama’s Latest Deficit Proposal to Offer More of the Same, Tired, Old Ideas
Democrats’ Path to Higher Taxes and Debt
What Passes for Civility and Adult Conversation in the Democrat Caucus
Democrats Politick Around A Potential Shutdown
Anatomy of a Democrat Budget
Obama’s Budget Epiphany… Twelve Months Too Late
Democrats Play Politics with Plan to Preserve and Protect Medicare
Democrats Agree: They Failed “The Most Basic Responsibility of Governing”