Tag: obamacare

Meet Every Democrat’s Running Mate: ObamaCare
ObamaCare Delivers a Pizza Loaded with Extra Costs
ObamaCare’s Medicare Cuts Now Up to $741 Billion
ObamaCare Funds May Have Been Used for Lobbyist Payday
#IWantRepeal Because Democrats Will Never “Change”
ObamaCare’s $500 Billion Ticking Cost Bomb
Dems Say ObamaCare is “Here to Stay”
Pelosi: ObamaCare’s “Best Is Yet to Come”?
ObamaCare Is “A Big F***ing” Tax
Dems Don’t Regret ObamaCare, But Working Families Do
#FullRepeal: Take Control of Our Healthcare
The ObamaCare Fire Sale: All Taxpayer Dollars Must Go!
Small Businesses Hope for Change from ObamaCare’s Burden
“In My Second Term, I Guess I’ll Pass It Again”
Dems Already Plotting to Bring ObamaCare Back
#IWANTREPEAL: ObamaCare: No Graduation Gift For College Students
Small Biz, Families Pay the Price for ObamaCare
#IWANTREPEAL: Report: ObamaCare A Bad Prescription For America’s Smallest Businesses
Working Families Just Can’t Afford ObamaCare
Obama “Knows Personally About Our Deal”
ObamaCare Fails Its Physical Exam
Dems Running on Empty with Obama and ObamaCare
To Pass ObamaCare, Dems Got Paid and Working Families Got Played
Quid Pro O
Even Pets Aren’t Safe from ObamaCare’s Heart Attack Tax
ObamaCare’s Heart Attack Tax Kills Jobs
ObamaCare’s Cost Explosion Leaves Trail of Waste
As ObamaCare Grows, Coverage Choices Shrink
ObamaCare, Done the Chicago Way
ObamaCare, Done the Chicago Way
The Heart Attack Tax
The ObamaCare Backup Plan
Money Can’t Buy ObamaCare Love
Dems Don’t Care That ObamaCare Burdens Small Biz
As Small Businesses Struggle, Dems Make it Worse
Failure on Pelosi Street
Priorities: Dems Fund Urban Gardening While Cutting Medicare
ObamaCare Failures a Lesson in Government Waste
Working Families Want to Forget Obama’s Record of Failure
ObamaCare Slush Funds Fuel Dems’ Wasteful Spending Addiction
For House Democrats, It’s ObamaCare or the Highway
ObamaCare Could Make 10.2 Million Americans Lose Their Coverage
Look “Forward”? The Worst of ObamaCare Is On the Way
Pelosi Likes Her Blue Dog “Rare”
Dems to Women: No Thanks
Dems’ Plan to Gut Tricare Provokes Outrage
Democrats Are Running Out of ObamaCare Excuses
Heavy is the Head that Wears the Dems’ “Crown Jewel
Democrats Defy Doctors’ Orders on ObamaCare
Dems on ObamaCare: Supreme Court? What Supreme Court?
Dems’ ObamaCare Disaster Threatens to Gut Tricare