Tag: OH-08

NEW NRCC VIDEO: Leading the People’s House
The Democrats’ Mediscare Dud
Struggling Families Don’t Need Another Bureaucrat
“Not Fixed”? No Kidding
Dems Try to Hide Medicare Cuts Until After the Election
Pelosi’s 4 Million ObamaCare Jobs Are Nowhere to Be Seen
Not Funny: Cutting Seniors’ Medicare to Pay for ObamaCare
ObamaCare’s Rising Cost Is Hurting Workers
Democrats Cut Seniors’ Medicare to Fund Their Spending Sprees
AARP Sacrificed Medicare on the Altar of ObamaCare
For Dems, “Best Practices” Means Cutting Medicare
Democrats’ $716 Billion Medicare Cut Problem
ObamaCare Mandate Tax Falls Heavily on Middle Class
New Study: Dems’ Brutal Medicare Cuts to Pay For ObamaCare Hit Your Hometown
Economy Isn’t Any Better Off After Years of Democrat Spending Sprees
Democrats Aren’t Working: They Think More Government Is the Answer
Democrats Aren’t Working: ObamaCare Is A Badge of Dishonor
Democrats Aren’t Working: Families Now Face Higher Healthcare Costs
What Dems Believe In: Crony Capitalism and Blocking Small Business Jobs
They Won’t Change It: Dems Keep Pushing ObamaCare, Debt and Tax Hikes
What Dems Built: Misery for Small Businesses
Under ObamaCare, All Roads Run through Medicare Benefit Cuts
Under ObamaCare, Democrats Make Government Your Doctor
ObamaCare’s Medicare Cutters Could Leave Seniors Without a Doctor to See
Dems’ $700 Billion in Medicare Cuts Is Just the Beginning
Obamacare’s Board of 15 Bureaucrats Tasked With Denying MediCare to Seniors
#IWANTREPEAL: Then and Now: Estimated Cost of Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Continues to Rise, Along With Cuts to Medicare
#IWANTREPEAL: Then and Now: Estimated Cost of Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Continues to Rise, Along With Cuts to Medicare
ObamaCare Delivers a Pizza Loaded with Extra Costs
As Dems Threaten Tax Hikes, Small Businesses Hold on Hiring
Dems in Denial: Their Policies Work for Washington But Fail Working Families
Dems Want to Make Historic Economic Failure Even Worse
Dear Dems: This Just Isn’t “Working”
Dem Tax Hikes Haven’t “Worked” for Small Biz and Working Families
Speaker Boehner: No Earmarks in American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act
Dan Maffei was to receive political payback for ObamaCare vote
Mike Michaud – Received political payback for ObamaCare Vote
The ObamaCare Backup Plan
Money Can’t Buy ObamaCare Love
Failure on Pelosi Street
Priorities: Dems Fund Urban Gardening While Cutting Medicare
ObamaCare Failures a Lesson in Government Waste
Working Families Want to Forget Obama’s Record of Failure
ObamaCare Slush Funds Fuel Dems’ Wasteful Spending Addiction
An Undo List for Democrats
Dems’ Graduation Gift to College Grads: ObamaCare Stronger, Economy Weaker, Student Loan Rates Higher
FLASHBACK: Dems Slashed Loan Choices for Students to Pay for ObamaCare
Democrats’ Newfound Interest Can’t Hide Old Record
Obama’s “New” Housing Policies Skip Rinse, Go Straight to Repeating Failure
Benishek expresses frustration with Obama
For Democrats, Politics Can’t Wait But the Economy Can