Tag: reckless tax and spending spree

Underwood ‘laser-focused’ on harmful spending
Biden’s last-ditch effort won’t save OR Dems
ICYMI: Schrier says Dem spending ‘rescued our economy,’ despite inflation reaching 40-year high
56% of Americans face financial hardship, thanks to Kim Schrier’s reckless spending
Shot/Chaser: Budzinski tells voters she wants to lower the inflation she helped create
It costs more than $300,000 to raise a child, thanks to Kaptur’s inflation crisis
It costs more than $300,000 to raise a child, thanks to Schrier’s inflation crisis
Tranel will rip off Montana
ICYMI: Chairman Emmer blasts Dems’ reckless spending spree
Tax Foundation: Dem Spending bill will kill 30K jobs
Axne quiet on reconciliation
Craig quiet on reconciliation
Kaptur refuses to answer if she supports Dems’ tax hikes
Schrier refuses to answer if she supports Dems’ tax hikes
Kaptur’s reckless spending will ship OH jobs to China
Sykes will raise taxes on Ohioans… again
Will Axne vote for BBB?
Will IL Dems vote for BBB?
Will MN Dems vote for BBB?
Will Mrvan vote for BBB?
Will MI Dems vote for BBB?
Emerson poll: Voters reject BBB
Will MN Dems vote without a CBO score?
Will Mrvan vote without a CBO score?
Will MI Dems vote without a CBO score?
Will IL Dems vote without a CBO score?
Will Axne vote without a CBO score?
NYT: BBB costs $4 trillion
Harvard Poll: Voters reject BBB
ABC/NBC polls: BBB will lead to electoral disaster
Slotkin to Biden: “Crack some heads” to pass socialist agenda
Jayapal: Axne & Wild are my best friends
JCT shows Dems break $400K tax pledge