Tag: socialist agenda

Brad Pfaff’s $20 billion middle class tax hike
MI Dems’ $20 billion middle class tax hike
CBO: IRA Hikes Middle-Class Taxes by $20 Billion
MI Dems’ reckless spending isn’t reducing inflation
Mrvan’s reckless spending isn’t reducing inflation
Axios: Inflation hits back-to-school shopping in Minnesota
One Year Later
Poll: Nunn CRUSHING Axne
Craig’s Donor kickback
IRA’s hidden Dem Donor kickback
Kildee backs Biden’s reckless spending spree
How would WI-03 Dems vote?
How would Bohannan vote?
ICYMI: Chairman Emmer blasts Dems’ reckless spending spree
WSJ: Dems want IRS to go “beast mode” on the middle class
Slotkin, Scholten, & Kildee’s reckless spending spree will ship jobs to China
Do IA Dems back middle-class tax hikes?
Michigan Dem Says He’s Stood Up to Own Party. He’s On Pelosi’s Leadership Team.
Do Craig and Ettinger agree with Phillips?
Craig calls out Biden?
Nat Journal: Van Orden in the driver’s seat
Bloomberg: Kildee faces peril in redrawn district
Democrats brag about $4.33 gas
Back to school inflation crushing parents
NRCC IA-03 Poll: Biden 37% approval; Tied Race
Axios: Relentless inflation in Detroit
Hillary Clinton bankrolling MI Dems
CNN: Vulnerable Democrats sound the alarm over inflation crisis
Pelosi endorses Mrvan
Pelosi endorses Scholten, Kildee, and Slotkin
Pelosi endorses Craig
Pelosi endorses Axne, Mathis, & Bohannan
Slotkin already lying in TV ads
Dems pan Biden’s gas tax move
Jay Powell throws cold water on #PutinPriceHike
Kildee feeling the heat
Pelosi bankrolling Kildee and Scholten
Pelosi dumps more money into MN
Pelosi dumps more money into Iowa
Axne won’t back Biden in ’24?
WSJ: Recession Fears Surge Among CEOs
Violent crime spills into Minneapolis suburbs
NEW Fox Poll: Republicans up big on important issues
DCCC adds more Dems to vulnerable list
Do Craig & Phillips want Biden to run again?
Do Slotkin & Kildee want Biden to run again?
Does anyone want Biden to run?
MI inflation is up, paychecks are down
IN inflation is up, paychecks are down
IA inflation is up, paychecks are down