Tag: TX-15

Biden vs. Gonzalez and Vallejo
NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer Statement on TX-15 Election
SHOCK POLL: Biden PLUMMETS among Hispanic Texans
NRCC Launches New Initiative to Highlight Candidates
SURPRISE! NRCC Sends ‘gift’ to vulnerable Democrats
SURPRISE! NRCC Sends ‘gift’ to vulnerable Democrats
NEW ADS: NRCC Slams Democrats for Caving on Pelosi Tax & Spending Spree
Will Pelosi make Gonzalez walk the plank?
Texas Dems silent on rising energy prices
TX-15 Poll: Democrats’ spending will doom Gonzalez’s re-elect
Vicente Gonzalez continues to play politics at the border
Gonzalez and AOC: Team Abolish Prisons
ICYMI: Texas Dem doubles down on statement that economy is ‘wide open’ as Biden extends border restrictions
Pelosi proves Texas Dem state legislators don’t care about H.R.1
Texas Dems worried by Biden’s anti-oil and gas agenda
Will Gonzalez denounce Kamala’s photo op?
Pelosi threatens to blow up infrastructure bill, do Fletcher, Gonzalez, Cuellar and Allred agree?
Gonzalez must act on Omar
NEW: Vicente Gonzalez involved in bar fight over comments disparaging the police
Texas-sized Warning for House Democrats
No tiki haven for you!
Vicente Gonzalez didn’t pay his property taxes
NEW Immigration polling spells bad news for Gonzalez
Will Gonzalez, Fletcher and Allred be next?
Vicente Gonzalez: “I’m against raising any kind of taxes”
NRCC Announces 2022 Democrat Exit List & Paid Media Effort
Allies urge Biden to reconsider Keystone XL cancellation
Does Gonzalez actually support ICE?
Even labor unions are criticizing Joe Biden