Author: NRCC

RED ALERT: Pelosi Refused to Listen to California Employer on the Impact of Obamacare
RED ALERT: Obamacare’s Job-Killing ‘Christmas Tree Ornaments’
RED ALERT: California: Healthcare Will Cost State Up to $3 Billion
RED ALERT: Fidel Castro Says ‘¡Viva Obamacare!’
RED ALERT: Obamacare Will Cost South Carolina $914 Million
RED ALERT: Obamacare Could Cost Colorado Tourism Industry $2 Million
RED ALERT: Massachusetts Employer: “This Bill is a Job Killer”
RED ALERT: Verizon Warns Employees About Coming Obamacare Taxes
RED ALERT: New Hampshire Tourism Industry Could Get “Hammered” by Obamacare
RED ALERT: Major Manufacturer Hit by Economy Now Hit Again by Obamacare Taxes
RED ALERT: Iowa’s Largest Manufacturing Employer Smacked by Obamacare
Code Red to the DNC and Big Labor: Thank You for Target Dems Ads
Mick Mulvaney Reaches ‘Contender’ Status
What's Next? Incompetence Besieges Target Dems' Healthcare Law from Day One
With Senate 'fixes' bill, GOP sees last chance to change health-care reform
What’s Next? Incompetence Besieges Pomeroy Healthcare Law from Day One
What's Next? Incompetence Besieges Target Dems' Healthcare Law from Day One
With Senate 'fixes' bill, GOP sees last chance to change health-care reform
NRCC Announces March Dinner Fundraising Total
It's back: Abortion debate reignites
Republicans target Democrats on healthcare reform
Democrats the targets after health-care vote
Halvorson trails in first post-healthcare poll
Pomeroy’s health vote insults North Dakota
Democrats the targets after health-care vote
DEAL WATCH: Obama Administration Awarded Hundreds of Thousands in Airport Grants to Stupak’s District Two Days Before Vote
The health care vote: Winners and Losers
Health Vote Flip Could Hurt Rep. Suzanne Kosmas in November
For many members, another tough vote
LA Times: Now, House Democrats await fallout of their votes
Next Move on Massa Investigation Hard to Gauge
Send Pelosi a Message She Cannot Ignore
Another One Bites the Dust: Schrader a ‘YES’
With ‘NO’ Vote, Nye Cites “Serious Problems” With Bill
Tanner Now A ‘NO’
Baird’s Parting Gift To Pelosi: ‘YES’ Vote
Pomeroy Ends His Silence, Will Vote ‘YES’
Lincoln Davis Won’t Back Healthcare Takeover
Stupak Group To Vote ‘YES’ On Taxpayer Funded Abortion
DEAL WATCH: More Deals for Dems?
McMahon Confirms ‘NO’
Kanjorski Caves, Will Vote ‘YES’
Joe Donnelly Flips Back To ‘YES’
Target Dems, Not Pro-Life Anymore
Target Dems Rubber-Stamp Healthcare Takeover, Where Do Dem Candidates Stand?
Target Dems Rubber-Stamp Trillion-Dollar Government Takeover of Healthcare
NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions Statement on Passage of the Democrats’ Healthcare Takeover
Target Dems, Not Pro-Life Anymore
Target Dems Rubber-Stamp Trillion-Dollar Government Takeover of Healthcare
Berry: Exec Order “Does Not Go Far Enough”
Shuler Will Oppose