Category: Blog

Cheri Tales Chapter 7: Cheri’s $40,000 Welcome Sign
Democrats Celebrate Economic Failure and Rising Gas Prices That Hurt Working Families
Democrats’ Unaffordable Care Act is a Disaster for Working Families
Tierney in-law’s sentence delayed
NRCC TV Ad: Matheson – Label
Economic Misery is Democrats’ New Normal
The Dems’ Record: Longest 8%+ Unemployment Streak Since Great Depression
Tierney in-law’s sentence delayed
Dems Still in Denial About ObamaCare
Obama Lobbies to Continue War on Energy
The Democratic Oath: First, Gut Medicare
The Democrats’ Many Gas Price Bogeymen
Dems’ Medicare Gutting Board Keeps Making New Enemies
Price Tag for Dems’ Gov’t Healthcare Takeover Just Won’t Stop Increasing
Dems Caught Between Rising Gas Prices and Their War on Energy
Professor Chu’s Easy A
TOWNHALL – NH-02: Left Wing Darling vs. Independent Voice
Welcome Back, Carter
Why is Hochul Hiding?
POWER FAILURE: Solyndra Sibling Cuts 70% of Workforce After Obama’s Donors Benefit From His Failed Energy Policies
Dems Can’t Quit Radical Anti-Energy Base
Dems’ War on Medicare Continues
ENERGY FAILURE: Dem-Championed EPA Regulations Force Energy Provider to Scale Back Production
TOWNHALL – IA-03: Boswell is Facing the Daunting Task of Convincing New Iowa Voters That He Represents Their Values
With Rising Gas Prices Pinching American Families, Dems Want National Energy Tax
Democrats Can’t Hide Their Anti-Energy Record
As Gas Prices Rise, Washington Democrats Tell American Families to Get Used to It
National Journal Says Betty Sutton is More Liberal Than 79 Percent of Her Colleagues
National Journal: John Garamendi Exposed as More Liberal Than Nancy Pelosi
Obama’s Broken Deficit Promise Is Dems’ Latest Milestone on Path to Fiscal Ruin
We Already Know Democrats’ Energy Plan: Higher Energy Prices and Less Energy
Cheri Tales Chapter 6: Cheri Supports Raiding Seniors’ Medicare Benefits
As Dems Get Cocky, American Families Feel Gas Prices Spike
shea porter
As Americans Feel Pain at the Pump, Obama Adds Fuel to Solyndranomics
After Three Years of Stimulus Failure, Dems Want Five More
TOWNHALL – Jerry McNerney’s Uphill Battle for Re-election
Democrats’ Zombie Stimulus Keeps Coming Back
Is Solyndra Obama’s Idea of an Economy “Built to Last”?
The Reviews Are In: The House Dem-Obama Budget of Washington Spending and More Debt Is Making Things Worse
Obama Budget Points to Medicare Bankruptcy, Raises Specter of Dem Plan to Gut Medicare
TOWNHALL – Sal Pace Trusts Government While Congressman Tipton Trusts You
Dems Want Another Trillion in Tax Hikes to Pay for Big Government
Dems’ Blueprint for Five More Years in the Red
Dems’ Campaign Budget Vows Five More Years of Spending, Borrowing and Taxing
Dems’ Green Casino Lost $3 Billion in Tax Dollars, But Dems Want to Keep Betting
Dems Wish Upon Rising Gas Prices
Dems’ Gov’t Healthcare Takeover is Over-Reaching, Self-Destructing
Democrats’ Super PAC Panic
Pelosi Should Take Stock of Her Conflicts of Interest
Canada Courts China’s Energy Market After Obama Rejects Keystone Jobs