Category: Blog

When Will Larry Kissell Stop Wasting Tax-Payer Dollars?
When Will Heath Shuler Stop Wasting Tax-Payer Dollars?
Will Dave Loebsack Continue to Force Iowa Families to Pay for Illegal Immigrants?
When Will Leonard Boswell Stop Forcing Iowa Families to Pay for Illegal Immigrants?
Will Bruce Braley Stop Forcing Iowa Families to Pay for Illegal Immigrants?
Russ Carnahan Votes to Increase His Own Salaray While Missouri Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
Christie Vilsack’s Liberal Money Trail
Larry Kissell Votes to Increase His Own Salaray While North Carolina Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
Gary McDowell Recieves Big Money from the Biggest Liberal
Mike McIntyre Votes to Increase His Own Salaray While North Carolina Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
Why Won’t Vilsack Give Iowa Families the Answers They Deserve?
Heath Shuler Votes to Increase His Own Salaray While North Carolina Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Gary McDowell Recieves Money from Pelosi and Decieves Michigan Voters
Collin Peterson Votes to Increase His Own Salaray While Minnesota Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
Bruce Braley’s Radical Tax Plan Hits Seniors Where it Hurts Most – Retirement
Betty Sutton Votes to Increase Her Own Salaray While Ohio Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
Washington Insider Brenden Mullen Too Out-Of-Touch for Indiana
Christy Vilsack Finally Shows Her True Liberal Colors
For Dems, Unemployment Takes A Back Seat to Political Payback for Washington Friends
42 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
Cheri Tales Chapter 2: Cheri’s Medicare Tall Tales
A New Low For District 1
Congressman Dan Benishek in Traverse City, says Government Needs to Live Within Budget
Benishek expresses frustration with Obama
43 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
44 Days Left for Obama to Decide to Stop Blocking Keystone Jobs
Walsh makes town-hall stop in Arlington Heights
Cheri Tales Chapter 1: Cheri Bustos’ Economic Record; A Cautionary Tale
Workers Continue to Wait for Obama’s Keystone Decision
Dems’ New Year’s Resolution: More Job-Destroying Debt, Regulations and Taxes
Will Democrats Bring Their 2011 Mediscare Lie Into 2012?
Clock Ticking on Obama’s Keystone Decision
Despite Criminal Investigation, White House Keeping Solyndra Documents in the Dark
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett Steps Up Fundraising For Maryland House Race
No Love This Holiday Season for Pelosi and Her Democrats
Some Dems Still Keeping the Corzine Money
House Dems’ Deep Commitment to Small Business Job Destruction
Democrat Cheri Bustos to Challenge Bobby Schilling in Illinois’ 17th District
DCCC Recruits Brenden Mullen to Run in Indiana’s 2nd District
Tim Walz Continues to Support Washington Democrats’ Reckless Agenda
Running But Hiding: Democrat Candidate Christie Vilsack Dodges Tough Questions
Christy Vilsack the Hypocrite
What Must Pelosi Be Thinking About Persistent Sky-High State Unemployment?
Tarryl Clark Attempts to MediScare Her Way Into Office
Remembering Bruce Braley’s Failed Spending Policies
Remembering Russ Carnahan’s Failed Spending Policies
Heath Shuler Refuses to Repeal Job-Killing ObamaCare
Democrat Christie Vilsack to Run Against Steve King in Iowa’s 4th District
Pat Kreitlow: Bad for Wisconsin and Worse for Washington
Democrat Tarryl Clark to Try for Washington… Again
Suzanne Bonamici chalks up a left-of-center record in Oregon Legislature