Category: Blog

The President of No
Another Blue Dog Bites The Dust, Is Schuler Next?
Rep. Mike Ross latest conservative Democrat to pass on 2012 race
Another Blue Dog bows out, GOP wants Matheson to follow suit
The Not-So Affordable Care Act
Dems Cross Their Fingers: “Maybe It’s Not the Economy”… Stupid.
The Obama Downgrade That Already Happened
Obama Tries to Run Over Auto Industry
EPA’s Regulatory Dream is Job Creators’ Nightmare
Where is Pelosi’s “Shared Sacrifice”?
Everyone Except House Dems Thinks We Need Deficit Reduction, Even China
Dems Willing to Risk Economy for a New Credit Card
Obama Demands Tax Hikes to Pay for the Failed Stimulus
“All the Recovery We Will Get”?
Dems Dig-In by Moving Debt Limit Goalposts
IPAB Will Make Healthcare Access Worse
GOP Sees Opportunity With Maine House Seat
Sebelius’ IPAB Defense Doesn’t Add Up
Top White House Official Says Medicare is Five Years Away from Bankruptcy
NRCC Re-Launches “Young Guns” Program, Announces New “On the Radar” Candidates
IPAB Still Has a Friend in Democrats
Dems Dig-In on Tax Hike Demands
Obama’s EPA Writes Stimulus Check to China
Welcome to The Summer Of… Excuses?
No Jobs, No Problem?
Chairman Sessions Statement on June Unemployment Report
Obama OMB Director: Healthcare Takeover Will Cause Dropped Coverage, “Unsustainable” Costs
Obama OMB Director: Healthcare Takeover Will Cause Dropped Coverage, “Unsustainable” Costs
New Evidence in Janice Hahn’s Gang Connections
Treasury Loses Track of Debt Owed to China, While Democrats Assign Blame Over Spending Spree
Hold Pres. Obama Accountable at Twitter Townhall!
Obama Continues Debt Ceiling Blame Game
Denham Outreach, Congressman hears variety of community concerns
The Company They Keep: What Are House Dems Hoping to Learn from Van Jones?
The Company You Keep
Daily Caller: NRCC slams Marshall’s financial record in new ad in Nevada special
As Jobs Outlook “Remains Ugly,” Democrats Play Pretend
For Medicare’s Birthday, Democrats Advance Its Demise
Obama Gives 1,000 Jobs the Silent Treatment
The Democrat Bad Idea Factory: Still Failing to Produce Jobs
Speaker Boehner: Critical Deadline in 24 Hours
The end of the Blue Dog Democracy
Dems Demand A New Credit Card, And They Want You To Pay For It
TV Ad: Kate Marshall’s Chinese Credit Card
Hypocrite Himes Fails to Admit He Cut $500 Billion from Medicare, Supports 17% Benefit Cut
The end of the Blue Dog Democracy
Need for jobs knows no party
DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Richardson Accused of Forcing Staffers to Violate Federal Laws “Under Threat of Termination”
Winning the Unpopularity Contest: Dems’ Medicare-Cutting IPAB
DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Richardson Accused of Forcing Staffers to Violate Federal Laws “Under Threat of Termination”
Local Republicans honor Latham at annual meeting