Category: Blog

Ex-Marine turned NC House hopeful raises $200K
Local GOP Congressional Candidates Outraise Opponents
Flores slightly outraises Chet Edwards in second quarter
Pearce outraises Teague in second quarter
Roby Wins Right to Face Bright in November
Barr raises $382,072
Internal Poll Says Barletta Has Edge Over Kanjorski
It’s Official: Target Dems' ObamaCare Allows Taxpayer-Funded Abortions
Jesse Jr.’s Dilemma
Down Shifting…Expectations
Kanjorski Nephew Works at Firm that Gets Loan
Confidence in Obama reaches new low, Washington Post-ABC News poll finds
GOP woos K Street with Robert Gibbs's words
Crawford leads Causey in cash after primary
Kanjo nephew works at firm that gets loan
Crawford leads Causey in cash after primary
8th District GOP hopeful touts new options for election
Harris Reporting $371,000 in Quarterly Fundraising
Top Republican: GOP Running at ‘Stronger’ Pace Than in 1994
McCarthy, Fellow ‘Young Guns’ Pen Strategy Book
NRCC-Backed Roby Wins Alabama Runoff
Roby Wins Runoff to Face Bright; Sewell Set to Succeed Davis
Yoder snaps up early $300,000 in 2nd quarter
Gibbs stokes Dems' Nov. anxiety
Anger management and Rep. Ciro Rodriguez
Gibson's second-quarter numbers in NY-20
Freshman Dem: 'We're losing faith' in officials
Race of the Day: Competing in the Heart of Coal Country
Trio of House Republicans to release 'Young Guns'
GOP 'Young Guns' to release book
Jackson Jr. Suffers Collateral Damage
Testimony Puts Jackson Jr. at Meeting Where Donation-Appointment Deal was Discussed
Gibbs Says GOP Has Shot at Winning House This Fall
Dems hope voters remain in Empire State of mind
Poll: 8th Congressional District Republican candidate Fincher holds lead
Meeks Taps Democratic Fund-raiser to Help Pay Back $40,000 Owed to Businessman
Kanjorski taking heat for meeting
Roby best candidate for Congress
Challenger Scott Outraises Marshall In Georgia 8 House Race
‘Toss up' draws big guns
Feds Say Jackson Jr. Attended Meeting on Donation-Senate Appointment Deal
Feds: Jackson Aware of Offer
FBI Looks into Secret $40,000 Personal Loan to Gregory Meeks
Dems' Budget Games: a Dereliction of Duty
NRCC launches ad campaign against Chet Edwards
Congressional committees elevate campaigns
Tiberi Leads Red To Blue Dem
Vice President's visit raises campaign cash for 5th District's Schrader
Ike Skelton skips Obama KC visit
Iott: Kaptur earmarks an 'embarrassment'
National GOP likes what it sees in Berg