Category: Blog

Visclosky Subpoenaed in PMA Probe
Visclosky Records Subpoenaed by Grand Jury
Visclosky's Offices Subpoenaed by Feds
Visclosky’s Offices, Employees Subpoenaed in Federal Probe
Visclosky Offices Subpoenaed in PMA Investigation
Feds Subpoena Rep. Visclosky's Offices
Visclosky Subpoena Reported
NRCC targets Democrats using Speaker Pelosi
NRCC airing attack ad against Kratovil
Jack Murtha Gets A Primary Challenger
Meet Martha Roby (AL-02)
Congressional panel advances climate-aid bill; could affect SWVa. coal industry
Pelosi: 'I Stand By' Accusation Against CIA
Pelosi: 'I Stand By' Accusation Against CIA
Parties, Interest Groups Turn Markup Votes Into Campaign Ammo
Roby will run for Congress
GOP eyes challenger to Himes
House rejects GOP resolution on Pelosi
Rep. Jesse Jackson’s campaign payments to wife
Jesse Jackson Jr. Pays Campaign Funds to Chicago Alderman Wife
Democrat Dirty Laundry: Jackson Jr. Under Fire for Pay-to-Play Scandal
House rejects GOP resolution on Pelosi
14 hours later, House Democrats hold the line on climate bill
An Earmark’s Path Feeds Debate
NRCC aims to protect at-risk House Republican incumbents
Sánchez Sisters Eyed by Ethics Panel
Democrat Dirty Laundry: Sanchez Sisters Under House Ethics Investigation for Payroll Scandal
Bernier seeks 5th District seat
McConnell leads charge against decision to close Guantanamo
With All the Bad News, How Can the NRCC Recruit Candidates?
Ethics in Congress: Hodes vs. Shea-Porter
GOP Attacking Herseth Sandlin Early Before Possible Election Run
Pete Sessions & the NRCC Have a Plan for 2010
Hoyer won’t back up Pelosi on claim that CIA lied
Whatever we do, let's not investigate Jack Murtha's ethics
Pelosi goes nuclear on CIA over torture
Is This How Seriously Gerry Connolly Takes The Potential of Gitmo Detainees in Northern Virginia?
GOP uses Gitmo closing to win traction on national security
The John Murtha Experience
EDITORIAL: Cleaver’s Job is Not to be Fooled on Earmarks
Critz Tied to Air Force Program Built on Earmarks
Cleaver Earmark Benefits Massachusetts Company, Not Kansas City Plant
Stimulus Watch: Early road aid leaves out neediest (AP)
Guinta makes congressional run official
Fox News: Pelosi Briefed on CIA Interrogation Techniques in 2002
GOP targets Blue Dog Tanner
GOP: Melancon more 'lap dog' than Blue Dog
NRCC Begins Ads Targeting Five Blue Dogs Over Stimulus Vote
Going to the Dogs, and an Elephant
GOP lands DeFazio challenger
NRCC Lands Two Recruits Against Traditionally Safe Democrats