Tag: CA-07

Small Businesses Struggle with Soaring Gas Prices: Will Dems Make it Worse?
More Failures Uncovered in Dems’ Stimulus Energy Policy
UNEMPLOYMENT: Under The Obama-House Dem Agenda, The Plight Of The Forgotten Worker Only Gets Worse
Is $3.93 a Gallon the “Best” Dems Can Do?
Democrats Are Running Out of ObamaCare Excuses
Are House Dems Smarter than a Vice President?
Heavy is the Head that Wears the Dems’ “Crown Jewel
Dems Ignored All the Warning Signs in Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster
Dems Ignored All the Warning Signs in Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster
This is Awkward: Canadian PM’s Visit Comes Just Weeks After House Dems Stood with Obama to Block Keystone
Dems’ Budget Votes Protect ObamaCare, Preserve Tax Loopholes and Continue Reckless Washington Spending
Dems Back Spending Binge & Push Medicare Closer to Bankruptcy
Dems’ Budget Votes Protect ObamaCare, Preserve Tax Loopholes and Continue Reckless Washington Spending
House Dems Become Increasingly Lonely Defending ObamaCare
Will House Dems Also Run from Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster?
9/11 Truthers and Communists and Occupiers, Oh My!
Will House Dems Also Run from Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster?
House Dems on the Front Lines as ObamaCare Gets its Day in Court
Obama May be in Hiding, but House Dems are on Defensive When it Comes to Government Healthcare Takeover
Does Jamie Wall’s agree with his old boss? Or his new boss Nancy Pelosi?
Dems Back Medicare Cutting Board
Dems Haven’t Changed Their Minds About ObamaCare…and Neither Have Voters
Doctors Decry Dems’ Board of Medicare Slashing Bureaucrats
Dems to Women: Why Can’t You Take a Joke?
O’s Boys’ Club Still Has a Problem with Women
The Dems’ Record: Longest 8%+ Unemployment Streak Since Great Depression
Obama Lobbies to Continue War on Energy
New NRCC Website: Ohio Families Play ‘Wheel of Sutton’ At The Risk Of Economic Recovery
Dems Caught Between Rising Gas Prices and Their War on Energy
TOWNHALL – NH-02: Left Wing Darling vs. Independent Voice
Dems Can’t Quit Radical Anti-Energy Base
TOWNHALL – IA-03: Boswell is Facing the Daunting Task of Convincing New Iowa Voters That He Represents Their Values
National Journal Says Betty Sutton is More Liberal Than 79 Percent of Her Colleagues
National Journal: John Garamendi Exposed as More Liberal Than Nancy Pelosi
TOWNHALL – Jerry McNerney’s Uphill Battle for Re-election
Dems Help Shun Domestic Energy as Gas Prices Surge
Dems’ Gov’t Healthcare Takeover is Over-Reaching, Self-Destructing
Democrats’ Super PAC Panic
Dems’ Government Takeover of Healthcare Knows No Bounds
Will Eric Holder Finally Explain Why DOJ Gave Guns to Mexican Narcoterrorists?
Out-of-Touch Democrats Just Don’t Get That Their Policies Have Failed
House Democrats Embrace Their Occupier-in-Chief
NRCC Releases Paid Online Ad: Brendan Mullen Right At Home In Washington, D.C.
NRCC Releases Paid Online Ad: Brendan Mullen Right At Home In Washington, D.C.
The Democrats’ Lovers’ Quarrel with Occupiers
Obama Chooses Political Payback for Washington Pals Over Keystone Jobs for People Desperate for Work
Obama Gives Lip Service to Bringing Jobs to America While he and House Dems Oppose Thousands of Shovel-Ready Keystone Jobs
DCCC Puts Campaign Cash First, Corzine Victims Last by Continuing to Cling to Corzine’s Donations
Christie Vilsack’s Liberal Money Trail
Gary McDowell Recieves Big Money from the Biggest Liberal
Why Won’t Vilsack Give Iowa Families the Answers They Deserve?