Tag: CA-07

Scott Peters Can Run, But He Can’t Hide Support For ObamaCare
ObamaCare Cancelled This Mother’s Health Insurance, Then Forced Her Onto Medicaid
36 Congressional Candidates Announced “On the Radar” as Part of NRCC’s ‘Young Guns’ Program
Florida Democrat Candidate Running Scared from Her Obamacare Support
Who Do These House Democrats Side With: Bill Clinton or Barack Obama?
NRCC To Kyrsten Sinema: Now It’s Your Turn To Apologize For ObamaCare
NRCC Launches Attack Microsites Against New Hampshire Congresswomen Annie Kuster and Carol Shea-Porter
Big Obama Supporters Wake Up and Realize ObamaCare Killed Their Health Plan
Michigan Democrat Candidate Waiting for His Turn to “Stupak” Northern Michiganders
Top Ten Reasons Why Nancy Pelosi Should Never Be Speaker Again
Is the New Republic the Media Arm for Sean Eldridge’s Campaign?
Nancy Pelosi is District Shopping and Found a Tax and Spend Liberal to Run for Congress in Indiana
Dems Get Anxious About 2014 As ObamaCare Still Fumbling
Want To See Something Really Scary? Make Nancy Pelosi Speaker Again Next Year
White House Knew Millions Would Lose Coverage Under ObamaCare: When Did These House Democrats Know?
Fix the Glitch: Fire Nick Rahall
Road Trip: Obama Raising Money For Nancy Pelosi and House Dems
3 Disastrous Moments From Erin Bilbray’s Embarrassing Interview On Nevada TV
White House Will Tell Democrats Whats Wrong with ObamaCare But Not Republicans
Possible FBI Investigation of New York Democrat Candidate Martha Robertson
5 Republican House Candidates Who Are Outraising Democrat Members Of Congress
11 Democrats That Nancy Pelosi Is Personally Funding (and We Need to Defeat)
Pelosi and House Democrats Head To The White House To Meet With Obama
New NRCC Web Video: Stop the Games, Ann Kirkpatrick
What Are House Democrats Afraid Of?
New NRCC Web Video: Stop the Games, Harry Reid
Why Is Jim Matheson Risking Default?
Everything You Need to Know About What’s Happening at the WWII Memorial This Morning
FL Dem Rep. Joe Garcia calls House Republicans the “Taliban”
Kathleen Sebelius: It’s Cool, The New ObamaCare Exchanges Are Just Like The iPhone
Will Ron Barber Join Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid At Ceremony Marking Launch Of ObamaCare?
7 Democrats Who Are “Breaking Bad” From Their Districts
So The IRS Just Lost Track of $67 Million in ObamaCare Money
NRCC Launches Website and Paid Campaign Targeting Amanda Renteria
You Won’t Believe Just How Costly Obama’s Keystone Delay Is
It’s time for Sean Eldridge to answer some questions
7 Things That President Obama Is Out Of Touch With America On
New NRCC Website: ThingsNancyPelosiActuallySaid.com
Polling Memo: ObamaCare 1,270 Days Later
Poll: Republicans Leading on the Economy, Foreign Policy, and the Deficit
Nancy Pelosi & FL Dem Gwen Graham Are Like Two Peas In A Pod
Out of Control? Obama’s EPA Set Up Fake Email Accounts
If You’re 25-34 Years Old, You Might Be Living With Your Parents (Thanks To Obama’s Economy)
5 Democrat Announcements Worse Than Ben Affleck As Batman
Nancy Pelosi and Andrew Romanoff: The Tax Hike Dream Team
KKCO-TV: Colorado Mother Struggles To Find Affordable Insurance Under ObamaCare
6 NSYNC Songs That Perfectly Describe Democrats’ Problems
Report: OFA Rally for Climate Change Garners ZERO Attendees
State Sen. Evan Jenkins: Obama and Rahall’s Liberal Agenda Is Hurting West Virginia
Northern Michigan Beware! Nancy Pelosi got her recruit!
Pro-ObamaCare Event To Kickoff Dems’ August Push Gets One Attendee