Tag: CA-07

Government is the Problem that is Destroying Coal Jobs
Outsourcing Illinois
NEW AD: Paging Kyrsten Sinema
Chicago-style politicking
Dems’ Welfare Waivers Hurt Needy Families’ Welfare
home is where the heart is
Democrats’ Spending Fueled by Borrowing From China, And Their Stimulus Sent Jobs There
Rhetoric Meets Reality: The Democrat Plan Didn’t ‘Work’ As More People End Job Search
August Jobs Numbers Beg The Question That Went Unanswered This Week: “Where Are the Jobs?”
House Dems’ Answer to the Struggling Economy – More of the Same Failed Big-Government Policies
Larry Kissell’s no good, very bad day
walk down memory lane
Will House Dems Tell 23 Million Unemployed Americans that They’re Better Off?
Do Dems Think We’re Better Off Now Than We Were Four Years Ago?
Lois Capps’ Party Chairman Calls Paul Ryan a Nazi Propagandist
Betty Sutton Blues
show me the money!
NRCC Launching New TV Ad: Critz’s Support for ObamaCare Endangers Medicare
got some issues?
Election 2012: 24th District — Compare and contrast
Blue Dogs Lose Their Bark as Obama Guts Welfare Reform
For Dems, Ethics Investigations Are Just Another Part of The Game
Dems’ Plan Piles More Taxes On Small Businesses, Even As They Freeze Hiring
How Much More Evidence Do Dems Need that Their Big-Government Policies Aren’t Working?
Democrat Economy ‘Worked’ for Big Government But Left Small Businesses to Carry the Load
Dems Admit Tax Hikes Will Hit 114 Million Families, So Why Won’t House Dems #StopTheTaxHike?
House Dems Need to Stop Standing in the Way of Economic Recovery
Brad Schneider, Liberal Love Fest
David Gill, Straight-Up Hypocrisy
Poll: Americans are Sick of the Democrats’ Do-Anything-But-Create-Jobs Plan
Pelosi Promises House Dems Will Protect Obama’s Failed Economic Agenda
Ben Chandler trying to have it both ways
America’s Top Economist Says Dem Leaders’ Tax Hike Plan Will Cause Another Recession, But House Dems Staying Mum
Top Democrats Ready to Push Economy Over Fiscal Cliff and Risk a Recession, Are House Dems?
ObamaCare’s $500 Billion Ticking Cost Bomb
#IWANTREPEAL: The Cost of Dems’ Healthcare Takeover is Coming to a Small Business Near You
Question for House Dems: How Will Higher Taxes Create Jobs?
The Democrats’ Economy: Disappointing Job Numbers, Failed Leadership, and Broken Promises
U.S. Manufacturing Plummets Under Democrats’ Economy
Campaigning on ObamaCare
#IWANTREPEAL: Confirmed: Dems’ Healthcare Takeover is a ‘Big F***ing’ Tax
ObamaCare Is “A Big F***ing” Tax
Carol Shea-Porter’s Super PAC Hypocrisy
Fighting Washington: Medicare Messaging Memo
Mark Murphy Another Obama Rubber-Stamp
Kathryn Boockvat ACORN Supporter? Radical Activist?
Christie Vilsack announced plans to run against King
Pat Kreitlow planning to run after voters threw him out of office