Tag: CA-12

29 days until a GOP House victory!
30 days until a GOP House victory!
31 days until a GOP House victory!
32 days until a GOP House victory!
33 days until a GOP House victory!
VIDEO: New NRCC TV Ad on Betty Sutton
New NRCC TV ad on Mike McIntyre
37 days until a GOP House Victory!
38 days until a GOP House victory!
Outsourcing Illinois
covering up failure
Democrats’ $716 Billion Medicare Cut Problem
#IWANTREPEAL: Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Will Ship American Jobs to China
NRCC Statement on House Majority PAC Ads Pulled from the Air, DCCC’s Edits to False Ad
DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Richardson Ignores House Rules, Accused of Bullying Staff and Again Forcing Them to Work Illegally on Campaign Activities
Under Dems’ Policies, America Is Falling and China Is Rising
Democrats Celebrate One Year of Occupying Failure
New Study: Dems’ Brutal Medicare Cuts to Pay For ObamaCare Hit Your Hometown
doesn’t get it
Democrats Aren’t Working: They Think More Government Is the Answer
Democrats Aren’t Working: ObamaCare Is A Badge of Dishonor
Democrats Aren’t Working: $16 Trillion in Debt, and They Aren’t Done Yet
Betty Sutton Blues
show me the money!
NRCC Announces Second Round of Vanguard Candidates
Under ObamaCare, All Roads Run through Medicare Benefit Cuts
Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
Dems’ $700 Billion in Medicare Cuts Is Just the Beginning
NRCC Launching New TV Ad: Critz’s Support for ObamaCare Endangers Medicare
the $3,542 question
#IWANTREPEAL: Then and Now: Estimated Cost of Dems’ Healthcare Takeover Continues to Rise, Along With Cuts to Medicare
the $3,542 question
got some issues?
Dems Brag That Their Running Mate ObamaCare Cut Medicare
Dems Demand Tax Hikes for More of the Same Failed Spending That Sent Jobs Overseas
Who Is She Fighting For?
Time to cancel TV Tarryl
Difficult Environment
Dismal Jobs Report
McDowell Must Be Stopped
Gary McDowell won’t let Michigan seniors retire with dignity
Meet Every Democrat’s Running Mate: ObamaCare
DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Braley Accused of Using Taxpayer Funded Official Resources for Political Campaign
#StopTheTaxHike: Obama Says His Plan ‘Worked,’ Do Dems Have His Back?
Blue Dogs Lose Their Bark as Obama Guts Welfare Reform
For Dems, Ethics Investigations Are Just Another Part of The Game
Dems Defend Stimulus That Outsourced Jobs
Obama Fundraising Oddly Similar to Dem Tax Plan
DEM DIRTY LAUNDRY: Ethics Committee: Laura Richardson Abused Her Office, Then Covered It Up