Tag: NH-01

Dems Back Spending Binge & Push Medicare Closer to Bankruptcy
Dems’ Budget Votes Protect ObamaCare, Preserve Tax Loopholes and Continue Reckless Washington Spending
House Dems Become Increasingly Lonely Defending ObamaCare
Will House Dems Also Run from Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster?
Will House Dems Also Run from Their Solyndra Stimulus Disaster?
House Dems on the Front Lines as ObamaCare Gets its Day in Court
Obama May be in Hiding, but House Dems are on Defensive When it Comes to Government Healthcare Takeover
Dems Back Medicare Cutting Board
Dems Haven’t Changed Their Minds About ObamaCare…and Neither Have Voters
Doctors Decry Dems’ Board of Medicare Slashing Bureaucrats
Dem Recruits Head to Washington with Hopes of Being the Next Obama-Pelosi Rubber Stamp
Dem Recruits Head to Washington with Hopes of Being the Next Obama-Pelosi Rubber Stamp
Need for jobs knows no party
Are Dem Candidates in D.C. Getting Schooled by Nancy Pelosi & Big Labor?
Defeated Dem University: Alumni Update
Guinta Holds the Lead as Election Nears
Americans Continue to Bankroll Space’s Fannie and Freddie Bailout
Americans Continue to Bankroll Space’s Fannie and Freddie Bailout
Race of the Day: New Hampshire’s First Congressional District
NRCC Releases 29 New TV Ads
Report: More Jobs Lost, What Do Target Dems Have to Say for Themselves?
NH Congressional Poll Shows Republican Ahead
Shea-Porter Casts Deciding Vote: Backs Obama Tax Hike
Irresponsibility Reigns in Washington As Target Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Irresponsibility Reigns in Washington As Target Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Small Businesses Face Uncertainty As House Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Small Businesses Face Uncertainty As House Dems Refuse to Stop Obama Tax Hike
Target Dems Won’t Support an Up-or-Down Vote on Obama Tax Hike
Six Months Later and ObamaCare Continues to Fall Flat
Target Dems Won’t Support an Up-or-Down Vote on Obama Tax Hike
Six Months Later and ObamaCare Continues to Fall Flat
As Obama Works to Fill Dem Coffers, House Dems Still Silent on Vote to Stop Tax Hikes
As Obama Works to Fill Dem Coffers, House Dems Still Silent on Vote to Stop Tax Hikes
Will Target Dems Pledge Support for an Up-or-Down Vote on Planned Tax Hikes Before Recess?
Will Target Dems Pledge Support for an Up-or-Down Vote on Planned Tax Hikes Before Recess?
Do Target Dems Support the Failed Obama Economic Team?
Do Target Dems Support the Failed Obama Economic Team?
Big Taxes for Small Business: Target Dems' Agenda Slams Job Creators
Big Taxes for Small Business: Target Dems' Agenda Slams Job Creators
Target Dems Rush Back to Washington to Feed Their Spending Addiction
Target Dems to Voters: Get Over Yourselves
Target Dems Rush Back to Washington to Feed Their Spending Addiction
Target Dems to Voters: Get Over Yourselves
One Week of Being Home and Target Dems Have Already Gone Into Hiding?
What Happened To Your “Recovery Summer,” Target Dems?
What Happened To Your “Recovery Summer,” Target Dems?
One Week of Being Home and Target Dems Have Already Gone Into Hiding?
Are Target Dems Getting 'Cut Loose?'
Overreaching ObamaCare Not Enough for Target Dems, Push for Government Option
Are Target Dems Getting 'Cut Loose?'