Tag: PA-07

Susan Wild asked for a citation… here it is!
NEW PA-07 AD: “Rumors”
PA Dems’ inflation crisis worsens
Who did Wild pass up to give $1 million to KidsPeace?
Free Beacon: Rep. Susan Wild Defended a Children’s Psych Hospital in Sodomy Case. Now She Wants To Grant $1 Million for the Organization.
Wild’s campaign strategy: lies, fearmongering, & deceit
New York Times accuses Susan Wild of intentionally lying about Lisa Scheller in ads
Bad news for Wild: Carbon County could decide winner of PA-07
Fox News: Susan Wild blames Putin for inflation despite price increases prior to Ukraine invasion
PA families can’t afford Dems’ spending addiction
Commitment to America offers a stark contrast to PA Dems’ failed policies
Wild embraces pro-criminal Fetterman
High prices here to stay for Pennsylvanians
Wild’s ad lacks facts
56% of Americans face financial hardship, thanks to PA Dems’ reckless spending
Pennsylvanians furious with Biden, PA Dems’ student loan cancelation scheme
PA Dems’ American Rescue Plan sent stimulus checks to death row inmates
Wild allies forced to take false ad off the air
Morning Call covers up Susan Wild’s illegal rental income scheme
Wild and Cartwright dodge press on student loan cancellation
will PA Dems stand up to Biden on student loan cancellation?
Scheller up, Biden down in new PA-07 poll
Is Susan Wild screening attendees at campaign events?
PA Dems’ $20 billion middle-class tax hike
PA Dems’ reckless spending isn’t reducing inflation
PA-07 voter registration changes dramatically favor GOP
Wild supports Dem bill despite admitting it overpromises and won’t deliver
Wild and Cartwright dodge press on raising middle-class taxes, destroying PA manufacturing
Do PA Dems back middle-class tax hikes?
Woke Wild votes against women
Biden will drag Wild down
Wild stands by insulting Carbon County comments
Rural Pennsylvanians getting crushed by Wild’s failed agenda
Wild’s comments bashing Carbon County not sitting well with residents
Susan Wild’s “deplorables” moment?
Hillary Clinton bankrolling Wild
Wild and Cartwright refuse to address 9.1% inflation
Wild’s gaslighting couldn’t prevent 9.1% inflation
Biden tanks Wild’s reelection hopes
Susan Wild compares U.S. to Taliban, calls to pack the Supreme Court
Susan still peddling Wild lies
Wild & Cartwright won’t back Biden in 2024?
Do PA Dems want Biden to run again?
PA inflation is up, paychecks are down
Susan Wild appears to advocate for late-term abortion, infanticide
Another brutal week in PA thanks to PA Dems
National Journal: PA-07 a warning sign to Dems
Wild and reckless: Susan Wild zooms while driving
Cook Political Report: PA seats shift toward GOP
Breitbart: Vulnerable Democrat Susan Wild Claims Ideological Independence from Leadership Despite Voting Record
Project Spotlight: Lisa Scheller (PA-07)