Tag: WV-03

Voters Reject the Government Takeover of Healthcare House Dems Defended
New NRCC TV Ad: Don’t Let Nick Rahall “Burn Us Again” on Another Failed Stimulus
Do House Dems Think “Now is Not the Time” to Balance D.C.’s Budget?
NRCC’s New TV Ads: Fool Me Once – Schrader, Rahall, Kissell
New NRCC TV Ad: Don’t Let Nick Rahall “Burn Us Again” on Another Failed Stimulus
Dems Have One Week to Decide Whether They Will Balance D.C.’s Budget
Dem Leaders Oppose Balancing Washington’s Budget: What Will House Dems Do?
Dem Stimulus Scandal Continues: Solyndra Doled Out Big Bonuses Before Collapsing On the Taxpayers’ Dime
Dem Stimulus Scandal Continues: Solyndra Doled Out Big Bonuses Before Collapsing On the Taxpayers’ Dime
Democrats’ Déjà Vu: House Dems Push for Stimulus 2.0 One Year After Their 2010 ‘Shellacking’
Democrats’ Déjà Vu: House Dems Push for Stimulus 2.0 One Year After Their 2010 ‘Shellacking’
Dems Embrace Stimulus 2.0 as Debt Hits New Highs
Dems Embrace Stimulus 2.0 as Debt Hits New Highs
Democrat Leaders Dismiss the Difficulties Their Job-Killing Policies Place on Small Businesses
Democrat Leaders Dismiss the Difficulties Their Job-Killing Policies Place on Small Businesses
Dems’ Red Tape Spree is Small Business’ Top Problem
Dems’ Red Tape Spree is Small Business’ Top Problem
American Families Can’t Wait for an End to Dems’ Failed Stimulus Policies
American Families Can’t Wait for an End to Dems’ Failed Stimulus Policies
Are House Dems on the Same Page With Democrat Leaders Who Dismiss Private Sector Jobs?
Are House Dems on the Same Page With Democrat Leaders Who Dismiss Private Sector Jobs?
Will Dems Take More From American Families to Pay for Their Years of Wasteful Stimulus Spending?
Dems Dig in Further on Job-Destroying Taxes: Where are House Dems?
Dem Leaders Assure “Widespread” Support for Stimulus 2.0: Where are House Dems?
Democrat Leaders Cozying Up to Unpopular Obama: Will House Dems Follow?
Obama: Dems’ Stimulus Was “Designed” to Gamble With Taxpayer Dollars
Leader Pelosi Invites Obama to Campaign With House Dems in Their Districts
House Dems Won’t Get Out of the Way So Americans Can Get Back to Work
Obama Demands Stance on Stimulus Part 2: Where are House Dems?
Obama Demands Stance on Stimulus Part 2: Where are House Dems?
Democrats in Disarray on Stimulus 2.0: Where Do House Dems Stand?
Democrat Leaders Insist Allies Support Stimulus 2.0 Despite More Solyndra Embarrassment
Democrats’ Stimulus Failing Middle-Class Families, Enriching Democrats’ Pals
Americans Rejecting the House Dem-Obama Economy More Than Ever
Costs for Families Skyrocket Under Government Takeover of Healthcare Dems Defended
Dems Supported Obama’s First Failed Stimulus, Will They Support Stimulus 2.0?
Dems & Pelosi’s Defense of Wasteful Spending Threatens Government Shutdown, Puts Disaster Relief at Risk
Dems Prioritize Failed Subsidies Ahead of Much-Needed Disaster Relief
Americans Blame Dems’ Failed Policies for Economic Blight
House Dems and Obama: Taxing Together Forever
Raising the Bar: Will House Dems Demand Job-Destroying Tax Hikes as Well?
Will House Dems Double Back and Call for More Job-Destroying Tax Hikes?
House Dems Side with Obama Administration on Blocking Common-Sense Job Creation
Voters Sent Washington Democrats a Clear Message: Will They Listen?
50 Additional “Difficult” Districts “for Democrats”
Will Dems Demand More Job-Destroying Taxes for More Failed Stimulus?
Dems Want to Party Like it’s 2009
Doubling Down on Failure: Will Dems Champion More Job-Crushing Taxes & Wasteful Stimulus Spending?
Job-Creators Tell Dems to “Get Out of the Way”: Will House Dems Listen?
Will Dems Offer New Policies or New Talking Points?
Since Obama Can’t, Will House Dems Offer Any More Excuses for Their Job-Destroying Policies?