Category: Blog

Patrick Murphy – Supports Failed Energy Policies
Maurice Hinchey continue to shirk responsbility for Solyndra debacle
White House veto threat on repeal of medical tax
Leonard Boswell Double-Down on Failed policies
Shuler to have opportunity to prevent liquor stores from dispensing welfare benefits
Bruce Braley, Draining Iowa’s Savings for Government Spending Sprees
Obama / Cicilline Legacy
Kuster and Shea-Porter Hypo(critical) Oath
Kevin Raye – On Radar
David Cicilline – Increasing Deficit
Larry Maggi tax increase
Bill Owens stand up for farmers?
Chris Donovan – Sinking Chances
Larry Kissell – Increase own Salary
Wall Weaknesses
John Tierney…the heat is on
Bill Owens – Churches must pay for contraceptives and other coverage, even if against religion
Fighting Washington – Failed Stimulus
Fighting Washington: Dems Protesting Bipartisan Plan to Save and Protect Medicare
ICYMI: Newsday: Timing’s everything in Ackerman’s decision
Paul Hirschbiel Virginia’s very own pay-to-play politician
Shea-Porter Can Run, But She Can’t Hide
Nick Rahall is in trouble
Dave Crooks Out-of-Touch with middle Class
Does Loebsack stand with Iowa families or illegal immigrants?
Brendan Mullen, Washington Insider
David Cicilline for Military Cuts
Patrick Murphy heads to Washington
Bill Owens – Funding to Serenading Obama
John Tierney – Increasing Deficit
Missa Eaton Timing is everthing
Jim Himes continue to shirk responsbility for Solyndra debacle?
Heath Shuler refused to repeal failed Obamacare
Russ Carnahan failed policies destroyed jobs
Clark, Job-Crushing Tax Hikes and Spending Plans
John Tierney…servants and helicopters modest
Ben Chandler – Blue Dogs
John Tierney MA-06 very reasonable takover opportunity for Republicans
Jim Himes – Broke Promise of Healthcare
Nick Rahall: How Ironic
Not Your Grandfather’s Chandler
Chris Donovan: So Much for the Establishment Candidate
Heath Shuler trying to gain favor for Democrat House leaders
Mike McIntyre – Increase own Salary
Charlie Wilson: Same Old Agenda
John Tierney luck of the Irish
David Cicilline tries to change his record…again
Fighting Washington – Rising Gas Prices
Fighting Washington: Tax Day
Mike Michaud – Increasing Deficit