Category: Blog

Democrats Can Only Blame Themselves For High Gas Prices
Democrats’ Big Government Fairy Tale is Over, But Don’t Tell Obama
Out of Touch and Out of Options, Democrats Deny Debt Crisis
Guinta listens to small business owners concerns in Rochester
Bass visits to get pulse on area happenings
The Obama Forecast: Debt Crisis With A Chance of Inflation
Bass visits to get pulse on area happenings
Guinta listens to small business owners concerns in Rochester
Obama’s 2012 Goal
Ending Medicare: A big, scary lie
Obama’s Budget Blame Game Covers Up a Middle Class Tax Hike
Meehan addresses issues at town hall meeting
Democrats Pave the Way for Middle Class Tax Increases
PolitiFact: DCCC has “Pants on Fire”
McIntyre Doesn’t Support ANY Budget Plan
Meehan addresses issues at town hall meeting
Losing Credibility: White House Attempt to Pressure S&P Exposes Double Standard
Stand with Our Republican Majority
Obama Anti-Energy Policy Leaves Americans Stranded With Rising Gas Prices
Democrats Find Excuse to Spend More and Borrow More from China
Obama’s Plan to Empower Bureaucrats to Gut Medicare Meets Bipartisan Opposition
Sean Duffy: How we face challenge of our generation
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year—for Tax-and-Spend Democrats
Sean Duffy: How we face challenge of our generation
Congressman comes to area; Rock House Fire 70% contained
Congressman comes to area; Rock House Fire 70% contained
Polarizer-in-Chief: Democrats Follow Obama’s Lead in a Rhetorical Race to the Bottom
AARP Confirms Obama Medicare Plan Puts “Unelected and Unaccountable” Bureaucrats in Charge, Cuts Benefits
The Job-Destroying Tax Increases Democrats Go to Great Lengths to Disguise
Obama Deficit Dance Proves He Still Has Two Left Feet
Strong Quarterly Fundraising Numbers from Freshman Republicans
Obama’s Deficit Do-Over: If At First You Don’t Succeed In Raising Taxes, Try, Try Again
New Deficit Plan? What New Deficit Plan?
Shuler Raises Money for… Nancy Pelosi
Obama’s Latest Deficit Proposal to Offer More of the Same, Tired, Old Ideas
Barletta anticipates some ‘heavy lifting’
Barletta anticipates some ‘heavy lifting’
Pelosi’s Real Legacy: A Looming Government Shutdown
Democrats’ Path to Higher Taxes and Debt
What Passes for Civility and Adult Conversation in the Democrat Caucus
Democrats Politick Around A Potential Shutdown
Anatomy of a Democrat Budget
Obama’s Budget Epiphany… Twelve Months Too Late
Democrats Play Politics with Plan to Preserve and Protect Medicare
Family Feud: Current Dem Govs Attack Former Dem Govs in Obama Cabinet, Senate
Democrats Agree: They Failed “The Most Basic Responsibility of Governing”
Schuler Knows His Tax and Spend Voting Record Could Cost Him His Job
“Blue Dogs” Get Serious on Fiscal Responsibility … April Fools!
Medicaid “On the Road to a Meltdown”: Just Ask the Former Governors in Obama’s Cabinet and the Senate
Democrats’ Plan for Medicare: Cut Benefits and Wait for Fiscal Catastrophe