Category: Blog

McCarthy, Hensarling Get NRCC Leadership Roles
Tedisco the GOP nominee for Gillibrand seat
New Blood in the Old Dominion
Republican Tedisco’s ‘Fast Break’ Lands Him in N.Y. Special Election
Frank Goes to Bat for Lender, and It Gets an Infusion
Caribbean Trip May Have Broken Rules
N.Y. Seat Gives GOP Fresh Hope
Connolly under fire for vote-suppression joke
Jindal gets top GOP speaking slot
Jindal to Headline NRCC Dinner
Jindal to keynote NRCC dinner
Moore, Jenkins attacked on SCHIP votes
Rangel: My Only Mistake is Bad P.R.
How Parker Griffith is Voting
Massa coming through on promise to vote for SCHIP, help farmers
Heath Shuler in Sri Lanka on Taxpayer's Dime
As unemployment rises, local stimulus needs cited
Charlie Wilson is interested in running for his old seat again
Tarryl Clark believes that middle-class families should fund another round of stimulus spending
Jamie Wall’s announcement that he will run for Congress in Wisconsin’s 8th District
NRCC Hits Freshmen Early on Link to Pelosi
For Rep. Markey, one small step
Inaugural Parties, Lobbyists’ Havens
Boswell Votes Against Helping Victims of River Flooding
GOP criticizes Shuler on ethics vote
Christie Vilsack would be a rubber-stamp for San Francisco-Nancy Pelosi liberal values
Brad Miller Saw The Writing On The Wall
NRCC Response to Gary McDowell's announcement to Run for MI-01
Rangel Denies He Made Inappropriate Pitch for Funds
Carnahan “Unconditionally” Supports Obama’s Failed Job-Destroying Policies.
As Obama Visits Cedar Rapids, A Look Back at the Obama/Braley State of Failure
Rangel Pushed for a Donation; Insurer Pushed for a Tax Cut
Boswell Doubling-Down On His Failed Big-Government Policies That Are Costing Iowa Families
Would Vilsack Keep The Government Takeover Of Healthcare?
Tim Walz is nothing more than a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi
As Gas Prices Rise In North Carolina, Why Won’t McIntyre Support An American Energy Project?
Tim Walz Spending
Loebsack Ranked 'Least Effective' in IA Delegation
MADE IN DC: Americans’ Average Weekly Wages Drop Under Failed Dem Polices
Mike McIntyre Not Endorsing Presidential Candidate, Runs From His Record of Supporting Failed Economic Policies
Loebsack Doesn't Regreat ObamaCare Vote
Opposing view: Repeal Medicare board
Bill Owens Choses Big-Government Spending Programs
Wall's Former Employer Finds ObamaCare Bad for Workers
IPAB Is Really, Really Doomed
Rahall Supports Obama Before His Constituents
ICYMI: Hayden Rogers Had Menendez Brother for College Suitemate
Medicare Must Remain a Responsibility of Congress
Nick Rahall Has Forgotten Who He Represents
McIntyre: No Questions Please
Taxpayers Swindled Again! Thanks To Tierney's Stimulus…