Tag: obama

Bankrupt Solyndra Dishes Bonuses While Dems Serve Taxpayers Stimulus Failure
37 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
39 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
40 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
Debt Eclipses GDP But Democrats Want to Keep Spending
41 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
DCCC Puts Campaign Cash First, Corzine Victims Last by Continuing to Cling to Corzine’s Donations
For Dems, Unemployment Takes A Back Seat to Political Payback for Washington Friends
42 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
43 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
44 Days Left for Obama to Decide to Stop Blocking Keystone Jobs
Workers Continue to Wait for Obama’s Keystone Decision
Dems’ New Year’s Resolution: More Job-Destroying Debt, Regulations and Taxes
Will Democrats Bring Their 2011 Mediscare Lie Into 2012?
Clock Ticking on Obama’s Keystone Decision
Despite Criminal Investigation, White House Keeping Solyndra Documents in the Dark
No Love This Holiday Season for Pelosi and Her Democrats
Some Dems Still Keeping the Corzine Money
What Must Pelosi Be Thinking About Persistent Sky-High State Unemployment?
As Middle Class Suffers, Democrats More Concerned With Looking Busy
Democrats Lose the Money, the Guns and the Jobs
“Real” Jobless Rate at 11%, but Dems Aim Higher
Obama Over-Delivered on Failure
If “Everyone” is for Jobs & Tax Cuts, Why Are Democrat Leaders Still Standing In The Way?
Democrats Close 2011 with More Economic Failure
An XL-Sized Tax-Increasing Problem for Democrats
Dems “Simply Do Not Know Where the Money Is”… What Else is New?
Corzine’s Enron Amnesia
The Obama-Pelosi-Corzine Economic Wreckage Has a Human Face
Dems’ Raw Deal for American Families
Obama’s New, New Slogan the Same Sign of Failure as the Old Ones
The Dems’ Unrequited Love for Occupiers
ObamaCare Leaves Trail of Indiscriminate Job Destruction
Democrats Boxed in By Failed Economic Policies
Americans Look Forward to ObamaCare’s Day in Court
Keystone XL Jobs Won’t Wait for Democrats
Obama’s EPA Continues War on Jobs
“New Democrats” Just Like Old Democrats
Pelosi’s Own Dems Blocking Her Path to the Speaker’s Chair
The Democrats’ Stimulus Drag
Where’s the MF Money? Lost in Democrat Hypocrisy
Frank’s Parting Shot Aimed at the Democrat-Created Medicare IRS
Democrats Continue Shameful Alliance with “Occupiers”
Sky-High State Unemployment Highlights Dems’ Failed Policies
For Obama, American-Made Energy Jobs Can Wait
Democrats Have 15 Trillion Excuses for Not Balancing the Budget
Dems Are a “Super-Disappointment”
For Chu, It Depends on What the Meaning of “Regular” Is
Democrats Can Wait to Create 20,000 Energy Jobs
For Democrats, Politics Can’t Wait But the Economy Can
Dems Tilted Scales for Solyndra