Tag: WV-03

Why Is Jim Matheson Risking Default?
These House Democrats Voted Against Funding For Women And Children Living in Poverty
Rahall Puts Obama’s Government Shutdown Ahead Of Military And Veterans…Again
NRCC Radio Ad Highlights Ann Kirkpatrick’s Vote To Protect Her ObamaCare Subsidy
These House Democrats Vote Against Funding For Cancer Patients
Rahall Puts Obama’s Government Shutdown Ahead Of Veterans, Memorials
Will Ron Barber Join Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid At Ceremony Marking Launch Of ObamaCare?
Rahall votes against coal again – then tries to deceive in op-ed
7 Democrats Who Are “Breaking Bad” From Their Districts
House Dems Signing Blank Check To Obama On Wrong Side Of American Public
This is bad, bad news for House Democrats in 2014
Nick Rahall’s War on Umbrellas
7 Bad Headlines That Should Worry House Democrats In 2014
State Sen. Evan Jenkins: Obama and Rahall’s Liberal Agenda Is Hurting West Virginia
Nick Rahall’s Pants are on fire
West Virginia State Senator Evan Jenkins Switches To GOP, Runs For Congress Against Nick Rahall
Big News Out Of West Virginia
Chairman Walden’s Statement on West Virginia State Senator Evan Jenkins
Nick Rahall – A Political Sellout Who’s Allergic to the Truth
How Many House Democrats Will Campaign Wearing New ‘I HEART ObamaCare’ Stickers?
NRCC Launches Web Ad Campaign Against 10 Democrats on Education Vote
12 Con artists that can’t hold a candle to West Virginia Democrat Nick Rahall
School’s Out for The Summer, But Students Are Out-of-Luck Thanks To Pete Gallego
Rahall Running Scared
Call Me Confused!
7 Democrats That Love Obama’s War on Energy
NRCC Paid Web Ad: Does Collin Peterson Agree Energy Costs Should ‘Necessarily Skyrocket’?
Will Kyrsten Sinema Support Higher Energy Costs?
Anti-Coal Warriors: The Obama-Rahall Tag Team
Will House Democrats Condemn Their Colleague’s Despicable Comments?
The Mad Scientist Behind Nick Rahall’s Turn Against Coal
Broken Promise: Despite ObamaCare Sales Pitch Memo, 30 Million Will Be Left Uninsured
Who Will John Barrow Pick As His ObamaCare Coordinator?
Rick Nolan’s Keystone Disappointment
House Democrats Need To Give Back Tainted IRS Cash
NRCC Calls On Dems To Return Tainted IRS Cash
NRCC Digital Ads: Time for House Democrats to End Silence on IRS Scandal
NRCC To House Democrats: Condemn IRS’s Outrageous Abuse Of Power
The 7 Democrats Who Will Ensure Nancy Pelosi Will Never Be Speaker Again Are In The Red Zone
Why Did John Barrow Vote Against Families?
Will Annie Kuster Stand Up For New Hampshire’s Families?
Breaking: Nick Rahall to run for Fantasy Island’s Congressional Seat
NRCC Launches Digital Ad Campaign Demanding Democrats Support More Freedom For Working Moms
Will House Dems Enter DCCC Contest To Meet President Obama?
On the Third Anniversary of ObamaCare, Will Tim Bishop Still Support the Job-Destroying Law?
BREAKING: Nick Rahall just declared WAR ON COAL – NRCC responds with paid ad campaign
Annie Kuster Votes Against Only Plan To Balance Budget
Report: McIntyre’s Support For Unbalanced Democrat Budget Will Cost North Carolina At Least 26,000 Jobs
Georgia Is Counting On John Barrow To Stand Up For Jobs
Rahall Far Below the Mendoza Line
Obama and House Democrats’ Plan: Never Balance the Budget