Category: Blog

Tipirneni’s geography lesson
Tax Reform Lives on Main Street, USA
here we go…
Democratic Civil War, Continued
Ben must condemn
penny for Tom & Susie’s thoughts
Does Lamb agree with Hillary?
WA-8 candidate alert
CA-39 candidate alert
Alex Conant: ‘Conor the Chameleon’ is not a good fit for PA-18
Everything’s coming up America
liens, lawsuits, and lies
Tax reform bonuses come to Arizona
Then and now
The DCCC is Losing the Democratic Civil War
going nuclear, part 2
Lamb’s featured guest
will this backfire?
in it to win it
doing it for the $$$
Tom O’Halleran, profile in courage
Nancy or no?
Ratigan’s latest headache
do as I say, not as I do
quick update on Lamb
pants on fire
new ad
move along, nothing to see here
money talks!
double standard?
labor flees Lamb
going nuclear
NRCC statement on Dylan Ratigan
still not convinced?
Moving the goalposts: “$1,000 bonuses are crumbs”
Moving the Goalposts: “Corporations won’t reward their employees”
who could have predicted this?
this definitely won’t backfire at all
The Curious Case of the Missing Blue Wave
Moving the goalposts: “Okay, some will see cuts”
Moving the goalposts: “Everyone’s taxes will go up”
guilty of terrorism?
closet full of skeletons
You do you, Nancy
quick trivia question
Pelosi the pariah
rigged election
We can’t afford a step backward
audience of one
welcome to 2018