Category: Blog

Dems’ Government Takeover of Healthcare Knows No Bounds
Democrats’ Newfound Interest Can’t Hide Old Record
The 20,000 January Jobs That Weren’t
Dems Defending Solyndra While Solyndra Gives Workers the Cold Shoulder
Do Dems Think It’s “Interesting” That 13 Million Americans Are Unemployed?
Democrats Run Away Rather Than Run on a Record of Failure
Cheri Tales Chapter 5: Recycle. Rinse. Repeat
Dems on Gov’t Healthcare Takeover: If It’s Broke, Keep It
Will Eric Holder Finally Explain Why DOJ Gave Guns to Mexican Narcoterrorists?
Obama Can Talk About the Middle Class, But He Can’t Talk to Them
Obama’s “New” Housing Policies Skip Rinse, Go Straight to Repeating Failure
Dem Fairness Decoder Ring: Corzine “Vaporized” $1.2 Billion in Customer Cash, But His Personal Money Is Still in DCCC Coffers
Out-of-Touch Democrats Just Don’t Get That Their Policies Have Failed
NRCC Announces Third Round of Patriot Program Members
Dems’ Government Healthcare Takeover So Destructive, It’s Destroying Itself
Crawford delivers speech on campus
New kid in town: Incumbent congressman Johnson runs in Madison County
Democrat Fairness Decoder Ring: Keeping Political Payback Alive, Holding on to Corzine Cash and Not Paying Their Taxes = Fair.
House Democrats Embrace Their Occupier-in-Chief
Cheri Tales Chapter 4: A Lesson In Job-Destroying and Budget Deficits
Despite Majority Opposition in Court of Public Opinion, Dems Defend ObamaCare at All Costs
Democrat “Fairness” Decoder Ring: A Taxpayer-Funded Spending Spree for Solyndra
Democrat Fairness Decoder Ring: Political Payback = Fair. Job Creation = Unfair.
Tipton outpaces rival in first poll
State of the Failure: Campaigner-in-Chief Signals Dems to Continue Failed Policies
NRCC Web Ad: Every Day of Democrats
State Unemployment Sky-High But Democrats are Still Throwing Away Jobs
Dems’ 2012 Slogan is Already Quite Clear: Political Payback Trumps Jobs
Democrats Throw Away Taxpayer Money Just Like They Throw Away Jobs
The Democrats’ Lovers’ Quarrel with Occupiers
Obama Chooses Political Payback for Washington Pals Over Keystone Jobs for People Desperate for Work
One Year After Dems Voted to Continue Government Healthcare Takeover, Americans are Suffering the Consequences
Cheri Tales Chapter 3: Cheri’s Frightening Support of Medicare Cuts
Before Choosing Political Payback Over Keystone Jobs, Obama Said it Best: “Obviously This Year is an Election Year”
34 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
Coffman opposes SOPA as potentially restricting and burdensome
New NRCC Web Video: Lean Backwards
Bankrupt Solyndra Dishes Bonuses While Dems Serve Taxpayers Stimulus Failure
37 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
39 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
40 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
Hey Debbie, Take a Look in the Mirror
Congressman Gary Miller looks to Replace Lewis
Debt Eclipses GDP But Democrats Want to Keep Spending
41 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
DCCC Puts Campaign Cash First, Corzine Victims Last by Continuing to Cling to Corzine’s Donations
Why Won’t Vilsack Give Iowa Families the Answers They Deserve?
Heath Shuler Votes to Increase His Own Salaray While North Carolina Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Gary McDowell Recieves Money from Pelosi and Decieves Michigan Voters
Collin Peterson Votes to Increase His Own Salaray While Minnesota Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table
Bruce Braley’s Radical Tax Plan Hits Seniors Where it Hurts Most – Retirement