Category: Blog

NRCC TV ad highlighting Rick Nolan’s dangerous record on national security
NRCC Weekly Rundown: New ads in FL-18, IA-01, IA-03, MI-01, NE-02, and NY-22, Joe Garcia’s bizarre comments on Hillary, and more!
Vol. 18 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Brad Ashford and his campaign manager contradict each other on GITMO vote
Vol. 17 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Terri Bonoff: A Step Down on taxes
Does Angie Craig want to bring terrorists to America?
Two more released GITMO detainees return to terror – Rick Nolan votes to release more
House Democrats vote to close GITMO and bring terrorists to U.S. soil (again)
Pre-debate fact check in NY-19
New TV ad highlighting Jack Bergman’s plan to make America better and stronger
House Democrats oppose VA accountability bill
New NRCC TV ad highlighting Brian Mast’s service over self
NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Brad Ashford’s GITMO Doublespeak
Report: Rick Nolan-supported Iran Deal provided $37.4 million in funding to terror orgs
Vol. 16 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Will Louise Slaughter vote to bring terrorists to America?
ICYMI: Report: Obama Admin Provided Iranian Terror Orgs With $37.4 Million in Cash
ICYMI: Salud Carbajal calls Lompoc “the armpit” of Santa Barbara County
Morgan Carroll On Hillary Clinton’s Trustworthiness: “I mean, like, do you trust her? I don’t know, honestly”
Brad Ashford’s Sudden Change Of Heart On Lawmaker Pay
Anna Throne-Holst has no national security plan
Vol. 15 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Is it too late now to say sorry for “sex with Hillary” comments?
Politico: Issa challenger was accused of ‘stalking,’ harassing wife
NRCC TV Ad Highlights Jim Mowrer’s Policies of More Taxes and More Regulations
NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Monica Vernon’s Shocking Record On Tax Hikes And Pay Raises
NRCC TV Ad exposing tax-and-spend liberal Kim Myers
NRCC TV Ad exposing Lon Jonson the lavish Detroit carpetbagger
Vol. 14 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
VIDEO: Brad Ashford refuses to say if he thinks Hillary Clinton is trustworthy
Vol. 13 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
John Delaney continues his silence on Obamacare
NRCC Weekly Rundown: New NRCC ads in ME-02, MN-08 and NV-04, Zephyr Teachout is still a pandering hypocrite, and more!
Stingy Steve Santarsiero really nickel and dimed his perks
NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Brad Ashford’s Dangerous Record On ISIS
FACT CHECK on Steve Santarsiero’s latest ad
Pete Aguilar’s Terrible Judgment on the Iran Deal
John Delaney’s GITMO dream about to become reality
The Truth on Our Payment to Iran
Good News For Morgan Carroll. Bad News For Colorado.
ICYMI – Obama still working to close GITMO on his way out the door
Colleen Deacon has a serious confidence problem
Vol. 12 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Tax-evading LuAnn Bennett won’t rule out tax hikes
FACT CHECK: Brad Ashford Misleads On His National Security Record In New TV Ad
Randy Perkins admits that Zika funding not a priority of his
FACT CHECK: New DCCC ad lies about taxes in MN-08
What Morgan Carroll’s First TV Ad Avoids Speaks Volumes
No, seriously — Zephyr Teachout thinks voters are dumb
Remember that $400 million ransom payment to Iran?