Category: Blog

Val Demings Duck a Fairy-Tale Photo Op with the President
Chris Donovan: “This is big trouble.”
Pat Kreitlow planning to run after voters threw him out of office
Gary McDowell another vote big government
Christie Vilsack, Big Liberal with Big Liberal Friends
John Tierney Under Pressure
Jason Altmire – Blue Dogs
Speaker Boehner: No Earmarks in American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act
John Tierney, You Know You’re in Trouble When…
ICYMI: Alan Grayson Left Trail of Traffic Tickets Before Lynx Bus Crash
Tom Wilson two’s company, three’s a crowd
Louise Slaughter – Fundraisers over Casting Votes
Tarryl Clark challenging Chip Cravaack
Heath Shuler – Increase own Salary
Gary McDowell + Pelosi
Alan Grayson left trail of traffic tickets before Lynx bus crash
Patrick Erin Murphy…you’ve got to feel sorry
Tim Bishop – Unwilling to Change
Kathleen Hochul – Ignoring the Constitution
Mike Michaud – Gas Prices Rising
Kathryn Boockvat ACORN Supporter? Radical Activist?
NRCC Reserves Airtime for Fall
Tarryl Clark misleading seniors
Christie Vilsack rubber stamp for Pelosi
Rahall supports driving WV coal/energy industry out of business
John Tierney may have phone paid for by tainted money
Jason Altmire – Spending Spree
Carol Shea-Porter’s Super PAC Hypocrisy
Mike Michaud – Churches to pay for Contraceptives and other Coverage even if against religion
Brian Higgins political team suffers embarassing loss
Mike Michaud taxpayers swindled again
NRCC reserves $18.2 million in airtime (Lexington
Christie Vilsack attempting to hide behind liberal self
Collin Peterson – Increase own Salary
Shea-Porter super PAC friends attack on her behalf
Tierney ICYMI Answer or Stop Whining
Ann Kuster continue to ignore reality?
Kathleen Hochul – “not looking to the Constitution”
Tierney: Numbers That Aren’t from January
Ben Chandler – Gas Prices Rising
John Tierney taxpayers swindled again
Dan Maffei was to receive political payback for ObamaCare vote
Christie Vilsack comments about Biden’s remarks
John Barrow on Preventing Liquor Stores etc from Dispensing Welfare Benefits
Mysterious Christie Vilsack
John Tierney…likes to ride in helicopters?
Tierney ICYMI
Bill Owens – Fourth Quarter Frenzy
Joe Kennedy – Lacking
Tim Bishop – Gas Prices Rising
Jim Himes Taxpayers swindled again