Category: Blog

Civility from Democrats, Vol. 7
As Illinois Leads Nation in Jobs Lost, Dems Learn All the Wrong Lessons
Civility from Democrats, Vol. 6
As Dems’ “Green Casino” Gets Busted, Obama Looks for Scapegoats
Welcome to Democrats’ “Green” Casino
As Recession Fears Grow, Obama Tries to Pin the Tail on the Elephant
Does Altmire Stand By His 2008 Quote?
Still the President of Zero
Obama’s EPA Hard at Work Putting Americans Out of Work
Obama’s Ark: Saving Slugs and Flies as Dems’ Regulatory Flood Destroys Jobs
Obama’s DOJ Not So Fast With the Truth, Furious About New Revelations in Gun-Running Scandal
The President of Excuses
Retirements make Dems’ task harder
Debbie’s Latest Gaffe: Telling the Truth
The Democrats’ Solar Sinkhole for Taxpayer Money
Americans Are Paying the Price for the Democrats’ Healthcare Failure
Dems’ Solar Fire Sale: All Taxpayer Money Must Go!
Blue Dog Blues
Obama’s Chicago Way Cooks Up a San Francisco Treat
NRCC Tracks Blue Dogs
The Democrats’ Chicago Way
Empty Dems Order More Mediscare with a Double Side of IPAB
The Democrat Plan to Create 230,000 More EPA Bureaucrats
“Lost” Pelosi Find Home Among Hollywood “Fringe”
Conservative Dems try to perservere amid low Obama poll numbers
If You’re Obama, “Now” Is Always the Best Time to Destroy Jobs
Will This Be the Democrat-Created “Lost Decade”?
Dems’ “Green” Agenda Puts American Families in the Red
Dems Are Bending the Broken Promises Curve Up
For Obama, It’s All About His Campaign
Democrats Try to Rename Their Failure
NRCC’s New TV Ad: Storm Cloud – John Barrow
Democrats’ Debt Hole Leads to China
Obama: Higher Taxes or the Highway
Chairman’s Letter to Supporters – Threatening is Not Governing
NRCC’s New TV Ad: Kissell – BBA Before It’s Too Late
Feds: Tierney kin’s gambling ring took in $22M
Obama Does the Tax Limbo, Again
Even Worse
Democrat Stimulus + Solyndra = Scandal
The Obama Drag
Chairman’s Letter to Supporters – Your Message Was Heard
50 Additional “Difficult” Districts “for Democrats”
Obama at Arm’s Length
Democrats Jump the Shark in New York Special
Taxpayers Sunburned by Democrat Solar Stimulus
Welcome to the Democrat Malaise
Democrats Jump the Shark in New York Special
Dems Want to Party Like It’s 2009
The Political Price of Obamanomics
Another Day, Another Democrat Stimulus Plan