Category: Blog

NRCC to make Buerkle a ‘Young Gun’
Tipton says he's building support
Noem tops spending race
Cory Gardner looks set to unseat Rep. Betsy Markey
Harmer leads McNerney in new poll
Schweikert Up 2 On Mitchell in AZ 05
Hartzler: Boehner pledges seat on Armed Services Committee
Hultgren: Cut spending, improve health care
Hanna Outlines Goals for Assisting Small Business
Bass Wants to Get In, Get Out
Race of the Day: Taking Stupak’s Seat
NRCC Releases 29 New TV Ads
October 11th – Campaign Weekend Update
I Hope Meeks’ Staff Asked for the Day Off
Noem Raises $1.1 Million in Third Quarter
Doheny Hits Owens on Jobs
Palin backs Benishek for Congress from Michigan
Race of the Day: Ann Kirkpatrick's Failed Policies in Arizona
The Tampa Tribune endorses Dennis Ross for U.S. Congress, District 12.
Number of Competitive House Races Doubles from Recent Years
Perry Calls Cape Wind ‘Job Killer’
Race of the Day: More Massachusetts Republicans
Going All In for November 2nd
Economy Alarm: It’s Official: Final Jobs Report Confirms Obama’s Failed Economic Policies
Race of the Day: Alabama's Second
Walberg vows to take on ‘big government’ in 7th District
Report: Dems planted NJ tea-party House candidate
Cook: 12 Dem incumbents are underdogs
September Job Losses Steeper, Worse for Economy Than Expected
A fresh voice in the 7th District
Gardner gets our vote
Duffy makes a campaign stop
Demmer Prioritizes Jobs
Rahall’s Lobbyist Sister Used Rahall’s “Power and Influence” in Threat to Firm that Fired Her
Boston Globe Asks: What Did Tierney Know and When Did He Know It?
Bright Donors Among Those Caught in Alabama Bribery Probe
New NRCC Ad in North Dakota
Drowning in the Swamp
Get Out Your Calendar
Ann Kirkpatrick Has Turned Her Back On Arizona
Bishop Blames Wife in Scholarship Scandal
Teague Skirts Details About His Income
U.S. Chamber endorses Hurt
WaPo Editorializes: Banking on Barney
Two New NRCC Ads
Onward to Victory
Tierney's Wife to Plead Guilty to Tax Charges
NRCC Airs 27 New TV Ads
Dallas Morning News Endorses Broden Over EBJ
Ortiz Used His Own Company to Pay for a Trip to Asia and Got a Sweetheart Deal for a Local Company, Which in Turn Hired His Security Firm
NRCC Airs Ad In FL-08